A great way to keep Maya entertained for an hour – and get her to eat a ton of fruit – is to have her make fruit kebabs. I cut the fruit and supervise from afar, but she does the rest. I provided her with a bag full of wooden skewers and a variety of different fruits to choose from. The more solid, the better.
Some ideas:
- apples and bananas (squeeze a little lime on them to keep them from turning brown)
- blueberries
- canteloupe
- grapes
- honeydew melon
- kiwi
- mango
- oranges
- pineapple
- strawberries
- watermelon
Maya also picked a handful of fresh mint leaves from the garden, and added them for a little splash of green. Marshmallows would be a fun idea, and good for keeping the fruit from sliding down the skewer.
Just cover and chill the kebabs in the fridge until ready to serve. A sauce to dip them in is a nice touch. Mixing honey and Greek yogurt is easy and yummy… my favorite fruit dip!
Maya would eat a piece of fruit for practically every one she threaded onto a skewer! Fruit kebabs can be something done just for fun, as a party snack, or you can turn it into an educational activity.
Kids can learn about…
- Colors. Create a rainbow – watermelon, canteloupe, pineapple, kiwi, blueberry, grape (ROY G. BIV!)
- Counting. How many pieces on each stick?
- Patterns.
- The importance of hand-washing.
- A bunch of different fruits. Which ones have seeds, skin, etc.
- Why fruit is healthy… vitamins and other nutrients.
Have more than one or two kids doing this, and you’ll find they’ll start throwing fruit and poking each other with the skewers. I can tell you this from experience. Cut off the sharp tips with kitchen shears to be safe!
What a great idea for entertaining kids and wanting them to eat the fruit they put on the skewers. No chocolate on them?;)
Blanca Stella´s last blog post ..Escuchar En El Silencio
My kids make a HUGE mess with something as little as a Hershey’s Kiss, so yeah… no chocolate. That’s for mommy to indulge in once they’re in bed 🙂
Now that is a great idea! I know my youngest son and my daughter would love to do that. Although my daughter might be too small she sure probably would love to try.
YUM! These look delicious!
Katherine´s last blog post ..WORDLESS WEDNESDAY- I have THE best hair stylist!
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You dont have to be a kid to enjoy those, looks like a great treat.
DianaHayes´s last blog post ..If you register your site for free at
My son would love this but of course I would have to do the skewer part since he’s just 2 1/2. He’s been snacking on fruit as always, and now he’s gotten to liking the Winter Wheat bread which has tons of fiber and Omega 3’s. So I’m happy about that!
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