Oh, how time flies!
5 years ago, Maura was Winnie the Pooh dressed as a bee for Halloween.
A costume within a costume.
Maya was a pink princess. This was back when she was obsessed with pink. And princesses.
Maura went trick-or-treating for the first time, enjoying her first lollipop.
They got quite a bag full of loot from Boo at the Zoo.
I love this photo of Maya pulling up her sleeves before she digs in!
Younger siblings always have costumes to choose from!
Maura had two more costume changes that weekend:
And a mischievous devil. The bunny slippers are a nice touch, eh?
This year, Maura’s going as a cheerleader, and Maya, a vampire. Will share pics tomorrow!
What about your kids?
I love Throwback photos. It is always so fun and bittersweet to look back on cute moments.
Mandy@ TheHouseholdHero.com´s last blog post ..The Ultimate Linky’s Facebook Party