I haven’t written anything in a few days, but I have an excuse – I’ve been spending all my free time watching the DNC.
Michelle Obama’s speech the first night was brilliant; she is so poised and genuine. I know she’ll make a great First Lady. The video introduction narrated by her mom was a real a tear-jerker! Every video was, for that matter – Ted Kennedy, Hillary, Obama. Or maybe I’m just extra sentimental this week because it’s that time of the month. But I digress…
Barack gave the best speech of his life last night. He managed to cover every topic, take a swipe or two at John McCain, yet still be inspirational. McCain’s tactic of announcing his VP the morning after Barack’s “Big Speech” was brilliant, I must admit. He succeeded in stealing the spotlight from Obama at just the right time.
I am both shocked and thrilled with McCain’s choice for VP. It’s safe to say that choosing Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate assures his loss. If anything were to happen to dear ol’ John, I just can’t imagine Palin moving on to becoming a successful Commander-in-Chief. Biden, on the other hand, would transition beautifully. Palin seems nice enough, but I do look forward to the VP debate where Biden will most likely squash her. I wonder if perhaps he’ll let her off easy, though, as to not lose any female voters.
McCain is no spring chicken, and having Sarah Palin at his side only makes him seem that much older. His argument that Obama has no experience is no longer valid, considering Palin’s record consists of being in the PTA, City Council, Mayor of a tiny town, and presently as the first female Governor of Alaska. And she’s only held that position for 2 years. McCain seems to think that Palin will win over Hillary supporters. Ha! Any woman who turns to the Dark Side after this never really supported Hillary in the first place. The only similarity between Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton is their gender.
The fact of the matter is that regardless of who wins this election, in 66 days history will be made. And that is just plain awesome.
Absolutely! this election will be one that will change the course of our country (she says hopefully)…
I hope so! I guess it already has, to a certain extent…