My kids were both sick last weekend. Summer colds are the worst. So hard to get rid of, you know?
Whether you’re a parent, teacher or nurse, the cold and flu bug is out there all year long so it’s good to be prepared – but how? With Kleenex Anti-Viral Tissues.
Kleenex Anti-Viral Tissues actually kill viruses in the tissue, so you can fight the bug all year long.
Grab your kids and check out this funny Kleenex commercial. They’ll get a kick out of it!
I’ve teamed up with Kleenex to offer one lucky reader Kleenex Anti-Viral Tissues as well as a $50 Visa Gift Card. To win, let us know in the comments section below how you Battle the Bug all year long, and don’t forget to check out!
For extra entries:
- Blog about this giveaway, linking back to this post and to
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- Follow me on Twitter (@OhMariana) and tweet about this giveaway: Battle the Bug with Kleenex Anti-Viral tissues and enter to win a $50 Visa gift card from @ohMariana!
- Grab my button and link to me in your sidebar or blog roll.
- Become a fan on Facebook.
Please leave a separate comment for each entry and leave a valid email address or blog URL in your comment. US entries only. This contest ends at 11:59 pm EST on Tuesday, July 14th, 2009. Winner will be chosen at random, and has 3 days to claim their prize.
I take vitamins and when I start feeling sick, I drink more juice and eat more fruits.
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I stress hand-washing, non-sharing of glasses, and using throw-away tissues.
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We battle the bug all year by washing washing washing our hands properly. I also carry hand sani with me everywhere. Right after school, my kids wash. Also, I try to keep the house sanitary clean. And we eat to build up good immune system.
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Knock on wood – I rarely catch colds or flu. Watch, now that I wrote that the sniffles will start. 🙂 However, my husband and kids do get colds and my husband has a bout of flu every few years. I’ve been using only Kleenex brand for many years. I like that it is gentle on the nose and disposable so germs go with the discarded tissue. I’m also a believer in hand washing when you come back from shopping, playing, etc. When hubby or kids get ill I make sure they increase their fluids, rest, and reduce fever if present.
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How I battle the bug all year long? Hand washing a lot,getting the grandkids to cover their mouths when coughing and sneezing,when I start to feel a little under the weather I take an aspirin seems to stop a cold from starting. I also clean the house with a good disinfectant to keep germs at bay. Thank you so much!
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Judy Brittle
The way we battle the buy ALL year long is with Thorough hand washing! I am a nurse and that is the first thing that you learn! When the kids come home from school, when Grubby Hubby Gets home from work, when I get home from Any Where, WE Wash those GRUBBY paws with soap and water!!!!!
Many thanks for the chance to win!!!
.-= Leslie M´s last blog ..Who needs a Hot dog eating contest ughhhhh! =-.
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We wash our hands frequently, drink lots of OJ and H2O and get enough exercise and sleep.
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lots of hand washing
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.-= valerie2350´s last blog ..Winners!! Ravens Giveaway! =-.
.-= valerie2350´s last blog ..Winners!! Ravens Giveaway! =-.
we steer clear of sick people!
We hand wash frequently all year and I keep hand sanitizer in my car for those times when we can’t. In addition, our doctor recommended that you throw out your toothbrush and get a new one after being I keep a supply of those on hand.
.-= shel´s last blog ..Giveaway Round-Up for July =-.
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I use a lots of antibacterial hand soap.
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Always wash hands a lot
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I keep that wonderful anti-bacterial gel all over the place – in the bathroom, kitchen, garage, one in each bedroom, living room, dining room, entry foyer, purse, work, and even have a bottle in the car – can’t be too careful, especially during flu season. Luckily, I never get the flu, but the others in my family are all very vulnerable, so that’s why I take so many extra precautions.
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We battle the bug with LOTS of Vitamin C, Oj, chewables, whatever works!
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.-= Kristy H´s last blog ..Allergic reactions… =-.
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.-= Kristy H´s last blog ..Allergic reactions… =-.
I make sure we get plenty of Orange Juice, and sleep!
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I battle the bug ,by having handsantizer in my van all the time,an when shopping I used a antibacterial wipe to clean the shopping cart handles an my hands before shopping,an my colds ahave been cut so much that I know that its working
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I follow on twitter an tweeted; vickiecouturierBattle the Bug with Kleenex Anti-Viral tissues and enter to win a $50 Visa gift card from @ohMariana!
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We battle the bug by making sure we wash hands often and getting plenty of sleep and eating nutritious food.
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We constantly wash hands and use antibacterial hand sanitizer when soap & water are not available. I’ve taught my children to sneeze into their sleeves, not the air to prevent the spread of “bugs”.
Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway.
.-= Lorie Shewbridge´s last blog ..Goodies for Mom (and baby too!): Product Review/Giveaway: Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Decor Canisters =-.
We eat lots of veggies and always stay warm.
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we wash hands frequently to control germs
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i don’t let my son run around in sweaty shirt. sometimes cold winds while wearing sweaty shirt is not good.
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.-= Lorie Shewbridge´s last blog ..Goodies for Mom (and baby too!): Product Review/Giveaway: Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Decor Canisters =-.
We try to eat right and get enough sleep. I also love to run around with a bottle of Lysol Sanitizing Spray.
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.-= Janet F´s last blog ..Free Sample of Orange from Boss Fragrances =-.
My family gets extra sleep when we’re feeling run down to battle the bug- also vitamins and fruit shakes when we’re starting to feel run down 🙂
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mhohertz Battle the Bug with Kleenex Anti-Viral tissues and enter to win a $50 Visa gift card from @ohMariana! than 5 seconds ago from web
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I Battle the Bug all year long by trying to eat healthy and getting daily exercise.
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We use a lot of hand sanitizer. We have in the house, car, purse, work.
.-= Carolyn G´s last blog ..Guiltless Gourmet Baked Tortilla Chips Review =-.
.-= Carolyn G´s last blog ..Guiltless Gourmet Baked Tortilla Chips Review =-.
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.-= Carolyn G´s last blog ..Guiltless Gourmet Baked Tortilla Chips Review =-.
we wash our hands and try to stay away from sick people. i actually have used those Kleenex before too
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.-= Carolyn G´s last blog ..Guiltless Gourmet Baked Tortilla Chips Review =-.
I wash my hand regularly and make sure to eat plenty of healthy foods in order to ensure a well working immune system! 🙂
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TO battle the bug all yr long we wash our hands and don’t touch door knobs in public places I always grab a paper towel to try my hands and don’t throw it out til I get the door open.
.-= Nightowlmama´s last blog ..It’s Not Too Late Send A Free E-Card Today =-.
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We carry hand sanitizer with us everywhere because money, public doorknobs, and even items in grocery/dept. stores have all been touched by a variety of people and can harbor germs.
.-= Larry H.´s last blog ..White Screen Of Death =-.
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We Battle the Bug all year long by eating plenty of fresh fruit,vegetables, exercise, get plenty of sleep each night and wash our hands several times a day. I also wash the bed linens and sanitize every door knob once a week.
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Summer colds are the worst! Thank goodness for Kleenex.
wash hands
i wash my hands a lot
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We battle the bug by eating healthy, exercising and drinking plenty of water. we also wash our hands often and always keep a hand sanitizer on us for those times when we can’t wash our hands.
i go to the gym almost every day.
I battle the bug all year long by being very diligent at washing my hands and reminding my family members to wash as well.
I wash my hands after every bathroom trip, keep hand sanitizer in my purse and use it after every shopping trip, and use sani-wipes for shopping carts. I’m moderately active, which seems to work well enough since I rarely get sick.
I battle the bug all year by making sure I always wash my hands and use sanitizer at work. I also try to clean my desk at work every week.
I take a daily vitamin c supplement. I thought it made me immune until I got sick a few weeks back 🙂 But I bounced back FAST!
I never go anywhere without my hand sanitizer! My favorite is Burt’s Bees spray sanitizer.
I also subscribe with email 🙂
I try to wash my hand before every meal, and take vitamin c in the morning
We battle the bug here by washing our hands frequently. I also use hand sanitizer when we are out & about to keep germs away. After shopping, the library, etc you need a good hand scrubbing 🙂
I have your button up on my blog!
.-= kellie´s last blog ..Organically Hatched Review ~ With Giveaway =-.
We get plenty of rest, drink alot of water and real fruit juices and we eat right.
By washing my hands often and keeping commonly touched surfaces sanitized.
Always make sure to get plenty of rest
We get lots of sleep and eat healthy.
I was my hand a lot and drink lots of fluids.
I’m following you on twitter and I tweeted.
To battle the bug all year long, I wash my hands constantly, drink ALOT of fluids and take vitamins.
Lots of hand washing!
Our family washes hands after touching door handles or shaking hands with others. We also drink plenty of orange juice instead of soda!
its all about the hand sanitizers. I’m an addict!
I wash my hands several times a day to drown the germs.
washin and sanitizing
lots of hand washing and ocd with clorox wipes with shopping carts. and travel hand sanitizers.
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fan of you on facebook.
at the first sign of a runny nose i increase fluids. I also am very insistant on handsanitizer
We wash our hands alot and I clean with antibacterial cleaners
I’ve taught my children to wash their hands as soon as they come in the house. They do they if they are playing outside, coming in from school, a store or anywhere. It really does help to cut down on sickness.
One of the big things is if my hubby knows people we are planning on going to spend the day with have any sick ones in the house – we cancel out. Once you get the bug it goes round and round and back again.
wash our hand after everything
Lots of handwashing!
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Kennedie turned 4 yesterday!! =-.
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.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Kennedie turned 4 yesterday!! =-.
Wash hands frequently
I use Clorox Anywhere Spray all over the house to kill germs.
By drinking lots of water and washing my hands all the time.
Lots and lots of hand washing!
Nothing beats frequent hand washing and hand sanitizers. Thank you!
We are constantly washing and sanitizing our hands.
We take hand sanitzers with us everywhere and wash our hands alot. That is the easiest way to stay germ free.
I battle the bug by taking vitamin C and keeping my resistance up. I make sure to wash up especially when I am in a strange place.
As a nurse…cover your face when coughers are around and keep your hands clean and away from your nose,eyes and mouth.
We make sure we wash our hands whenever we come home from somewhere.
We have antibacterial soap in all of the dispensers in the house.
I subscribe to your feed.
Frequent handwashing, a good diet and enough rest seem to work for me.
I take 1000 mg of Vitamin C every morning to battle colds.
I have your button.
I never pass up an opportunity to wash my hands. these days the importance of hand washing cannot be stressed enough.
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I fight bugs by frequest handwashing, washing doorknobs and keyboards and cell phones with anti-bacterial wipes. I also cover my mouth when I sneeze or cough. Thank you for the contest!
We wash our hands and always have antibacterial on us for when there’s no sinks.
I always have hand sanitizer for those times when we’re away from a sink/soap. Thanks for the contest!
We battle the bug with frequent hand washing and eating lots of veggies!
I take Vitamin C & Echinacea.
I eat a healty diet full of antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables, plus I make sure to wash my hands as needed.
I battle the bug by taking vitamins, drinking orange/grapefruit juice daily, and washing my hands frequently.
Frequent hand washing, also use hand sanitizer when we’re out and about.
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we wash our hands all the time and carry purex for those times when theres no sink
i battle the bug by taking my vitamin c every day so my immune system is strong
We sing twinkle twinkle while washing our hands to ensure we are washing long enough. Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com
.-= simone´s last blog ..Gators anyone? =-. I tweeted! @bluenude3 Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com
.-= simone´s last blog ..Gators anyone? =-.
I and my kids use hand sanitizer all the time!
I battle the bug by washing hands and covering my mouth when I cough – and teaching my children to do the same. But when you have young kids in preschool some bugs are inevitable
We wash our hands all the time.
.-= Sonya Sparks´s last blog ..Search and Win =-.
We continually wash our hands and cover our mouths when we cough.
I wash my hands a lot and it must be working because I haven’t been sick in a while.
We wash hands after everything…could be
We battle the bug all year by making sure we wash our hands often and always cover our mouths when we cough and sneeze. thanks for the chance.
Washing hands frequently is how our family battles germs.
Wash hands constantly and I use Lysol on everything. Thanks.
We wash our hand often and take vitamins to try to stay healthy
We have been washing our hands alot more and using wipes between washings. It must be sickness yet!
We keep washing our hands!
We take dialy vitamins, drink lots of water and make sure to wash our hands when we get home from shopping etc.
We battle the bug all year long by remind each other to wash hands when we come home from running errands.
We always wash our hands before eating and I have Wet Ones for on the go. I use the Lysol Anti Bacteria wipes around the house as well. Thanks for the chance!
We battle the bug all year long by maintaining as much of a stress-free existence as possible. It is pretty easy to do because we have much to be grateful for, and we are pretty darn happy. This keeps our resistence high and the germs at bay.
Alicia Webster
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Alicia Webster
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Alicia Webster
Washing hands, vitamins, staying away from playdates if we are under the weather.
We try to keep our resistance high by eating well, getting enough sleep, and minimizing stress.
Lots of sleep!
.-= Crissa Robertson´s last blog ..A Dieters Dream =-.
I take vitamins, drink tons of water to flush out my system. I drink cranberry juice and green tea for their antioxident properties and orange juice for the vitamin C. I work at a hospital so I wash my hands constantly. I also use airborne it really works.
.-= Michelle´s last blog ..Moving is NOT fun & Tmobile is EVIL =-.
I keep a bottle of hand sanitizer on my desk at work all the time — for me AND the people who come into my office!
I drink apple cidar with 100% vitamin C to stay healthy
I battle the bug with frequent washing and wiping down surfaces
rss subscriber
wash hands after everything
I’m diligent in washing my hands often, plus using store wipes to clean the handle and seat of the carts, etc.
I take tons of vitamins and make sure to always drink water. Oh, and I’m a big fan of washing my hands, too 🙂
.-= Johanna LG´s last blog ..Hi, in a typical fashion. =-.
I try to remember the vitamins, and I’ve got sanitizer in my purse. Whenever the kids and I go to the grocery store, library, or gas station I whip it out =0). Thanks.
.-= Telisha´s last blog ..The Checkout Giveaway =-.
I’m a subscriber. Thanks.
.-= Telisha´s last blog ..The Checkout Giveaway =-.
I’ve got your button. Thanks.
When washing hands, I’ve taught my kids to sing the entire alphabet, this way I know they’ve done a good job killing all the germs. Thanks for the giveaway.
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We battle the bug year long by washing hands frequently and by using the disinfecting wipes on the shopping carts before we use them. Thanks.
kport207 at gmail dot com
We battle the bug by washing our hands frequently.
Follow on Twitter as heatherblc and Tweeted:
I battle the bug by staying on a hydrogen peroxide regimen. Drinking one drop a day in water is an excellent way to keep bacteria in check!
wash before eating, fortify with ester c/airborne, and drink plenty of juice & water
eat healthy, stay active, wash hands and sneeze into elbows
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I take vitamins! Also, I try to keep everything clean!
We wipe down surfaces like phone, keyboard, light switches, door knobs with disinfectant wipes.
Thanks for the giveaway!
You can;t wash you hands enough.
I’m a fan of Riding With No Hands on facebook.
i follow on twitter – js22222222 .
I tweeted-
we wash our hands often and take vitamin c
drink water, eat healthy
We wash our hands a gazillion times a day. We also carry around hand sanitizer for when we have to touch yucky stuff!
.-= Nicole Ibarrondo´s last blog ..It isn’t easy being green…but we can help =-.
Elderberry, water, and rest.
.-= LaVonne´s last blog ..Day One in England =-.
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.-= LaVonne´s last blog ..Day One in England =-.
I take 1 Vitamin C every morning and also drink a lot of water and wash my hands alot and pray for the best – LOL
we take vitamin C…it works most of the time!
I battle it all year by washing my hands and face frequently and it works
I use cleaning wipes on the handle of the grocery cart.
proper handwashing is key
Lots of vitamin C, lots of handwashing and hand sanitizer
I simply air out the house everyday no matter what season it is.
we wash our hands.
Ecinacea & Vitamin C three week on one week off then start all over again….. works for us her in Calif.
wash, wash, wash, wash your hands alot. thanks
We keep our hands washed and take our vitamins. Thanks for the chance.
Wash hands a lot and use Disinfectant Spray
I wash my hands frequently, take multi-vitamins, eat right and most of all try to get enough sleep!
I taje vitamin C and drink orange juice to keep my immune system up
I wash my hands several times a day and carry hand sanitizer which I use after touching public things
Handwashing and bedtime routines are the top ways we battle the bug during the year.
No secret, wash those hands!
wash hands frequently…..
We use hand sanitizer, hydrate regularly and wash our hands.
I battle the bug all year long by making sure I wash my hands with warm water and soap. And, when I’m in a public restroom, I do my best not to touch any surface w/ my bare hands once I’ve washed them. (For example: I use a papertowel, my elbow, the corner of my shirt or something else to open doors.)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
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I added you to my Technorati Faves! 🙂 (username: HSBSuzanne)
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Funnily enough, I use these Anti-viral Kleenexes! That, and I try to always wash my hands as soon as I get in to work or home. And for me, the biggest thing is to get sufficient sleep — if I’m run down, it’s easier for me to catch a bug (or to lose the battle with it)
We wash our hands, eat healthy food, and [try to] get enough sleep.
I teach so I do lots of hand washing and hand santizer.
wash hands and take vitamin c
Eat healthy, exercise and wash hands! Thanks for the chance to win.
plenty of vitamin c!
I take vitamins, drink water, and exercise
email subscriber
Interesting how people are commenting on this post, Mariana 🙂
.-= Hicham´s last blog ..I hate everything about You! =-.
I fight the bug by avoiding touching surfaces with my fingers, and I am diligent about handwashing.
We wash our hands pretty regularly and take vitamins. We’re also trying to get a proper amount of rest so we aren’t as susceptible to bugs.
One way is by using a hand disinfectant after touching items such as doorknobs when we are on the go, and also by turning faucets off in public bathrooms using a paper towel instead of our hands where we could put germs right back onto our hands from that faucet handle.
I subscribe via email. Thank you and good luck to all.
Wash hands, wash hands, wash hands…..
We wash our hands a lot, take vitamins and use common sense.
Consistently wash our hands, carry hand sanitizer and drink tons of water.
I battle the bug by using a ton of hand sanitizer, and spraying everything from the remote to the fridge door handle with sanitizing spray. There’s nothing worse than my husband when he’s sick so I’m pretty obsessive about it LOL 🙂
We wash hands frequently and try to stay away from people who are sick.
.-= Lorri S´s last blog ..Mom Central Summer Giveaway Bonanza =-.
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I’m kind of a germaphobic, so I wash my hands a lot, especially after touching grocery carts, doors, and other things out in public. I try to stay on top of disinfecting doorknobs and the garbage can every couple weeks. We get our flu shots as a family every year, which I think helps. Just little things like that add up to keeping us healthier.
Keep my hands washed, and keep all surfaces clean.
Hand Sanitizer, frequent hand washing, and disinfecting wipes.
Im following you on twitter and I tweeted.
I take a multivitamin.
just the basics here – adequate sleep, wash hands, eat right, vitamins, exercise. seems to do the trick!
thanks! (
Multiviamins taken daily. Thanks!
Wash your hands, cover your mouth when you sneeze, use Kleenex!
I wash my hands obsessively 😉
we wash hands frequently and eat healthy foods
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pattie43Battle the Bug with Kleenex Anti-Viral tissues and enter to win a $50 Visa gift card from @ohMariana!
less than 5 seconds ago from web
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Most important thing is to wash your hands
.-= Cortney´s last blog ..Rag Balls =-.
I am constantly wiping kitchen and bathroom areas down with disinfecting wipes.
We wash our hands a lot, especially after going out in public.
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com
sign me up
i’m a constant hand-washer. I also try to keep from touching my face or putting my hands near my mouth. When i get the flu or a virus, i use these kleenex too!
HANDWASHING! Constantly! Thank you!
Lots of hand washing!
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..Gosh, It’s Hot! =-.
your button is already in my blogroll!
I wash my hands carefully, take airborne anytime I think I’m getting the sniffles and eat healthy!
I take vitamin E and a multi-vitamin
we try to get the kids to wash their hands before meals
I try to make sure my kids get enough sleep, and that they wash their hands, especially when they come home from school.
We wash our hands often and take our vitamins
Thank you for the chance
I take a multi vitamni everyday as well as extra calcium, not to mention I carry around sani hand wipes.
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Win Number: 41 =-.
We eat healthy all year and drink plenty of water and juice.
I already use and love the Kleenex anti-viral tissues. I also am an advocate of frequent washing of the hands to “battle the bug.”
Washing hands frequently and covering you mouth when you sneeze and cough.
I battle the bug by having a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water.
.-= Caroline B.´s last blog ..Sun Burst Mirror =-.
Water, sleep, acedophelus and washing hands!
We wash our hands. About 10x per day!
.-= CC´s last blog ..Therapy Thursday: Listening Activities =-.
I am always after the kids to wash their hands!!!
Of course a healthy diet and exercise help too
.-= CC´s last blog ..Therapy Thursday: Listening Activities =-.
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.-= CC´s last blog ..Therapy Thursday: Listening Activities =-.
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.-= CC´s last blog ..Therapy Thursday: Listening Activities =-.
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.-= CC´s last blog ..Therapy Thursday: Listening Activities =-.
We drink plenty of water, eat lots of oranges (vitamin C!), along with other fruits and vegetables, get plenty of rest and try to reduce, if not eliminate, stress in all areas of life.
I subscribe to your feed in Google Reader.
I follow you on Twitter (anatolyevna) and I tweeted:
We use hand sanitizer whenever we’re in public places. We also rely on vitamins and berries for anti-oxidants.
mfalcon13 at hotmail dot com
We eat a healthy diet, get plenty of sleep and take our vitamins! Well, we TRY to anyway! Washing hands is a must as well.
.-= Katie´s last blog ..I had to share. =-.
I work in a hospital so I wash my hands like it’s my second job.
We are big hand washers and hand sanitizers.
I fave’d you in Technorati (ID Anatolyevna).
frequent hand-washing and hand sanitizers, vitamins, flu shot……
lots of rest, washing hands, fresh air and water
I am a fan on Facebook – Elena Amble
We try to get lots of sleep and drink plenty of water.
We wash our hands constantly.
I battle the bug by clean hands and avoiding crowds
We wash our hands often and stay away from sick people
It may sound cliche but I make sure that I keep hydrated, eat healthy and get sufficient rest. And, if I do get run down, I take a day or two to relax, no plans, no schedule. I find that I get sick when I get run down and am not taking care of my body’s basic needs.
I have asthma and my doctors have brainwashed me to stay away from people, especially children. It wasw hard to do, but I have to admit I have not had to fight a “bug” now for several years.
We battle the bug by washing our hands often.
Wash your hands well and often!
We are avid handwashers! We also try to get enough sleep, and stay hydrated. Thanks!
I wash my hands a lot, take a multi vitamin with extra C, and try to keep things as stress free as I can.
We are always washing oiur hands and we make sure to take a multivitamin daily.
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We wash our hands as often as possible and get flu shots.
I have your button on my sidebar… (You’ll need to scroll down a bit to see it.)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I wash my hands all the time and I always get a flu shot! Thanks!
I blogged about the giveaway:
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
We try to eat right, drink lots of water, exercise, get a good night’s sleep and wash hands as appropriate. All those things your mom told you to do – and she was right.
wash my hands all the time
soap & water and wash hands often
.-= Kris´s last blog ..Child Abduction Emergency =-.
We take our vitamins daily and wash our hands often.
we wash our hands good all the time!
autumn398 @
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One of the easiest yet important way to battle the bugs is to wash our hands. I make sure that I do this often.
We wash our hands all the time and eat healthy!
I take vitamins to try to keep illnesses at bay — I used to have a hard time remembering to take my vitamin or wanting to take my vitamin, so now I take Flintstones vitamins 🙂 Makes me feel like a kid again and a fun/healthy treat each day.
I battle the bug by frequent handwashing and avoid cramped small spaces with other people. I also try to keep sanitizer around for when I touch a lot of door handles, etc. Thanks for the giveaway!
I try to eat healthier to help prevent getting sick.
Exercise and eat and wash your hands and smile!
We try to avoid “the bug” by not going to over crowded places and using hand sanitizer, and washing hands.
.-= Shannon´s last blog Laptop Giveaway Sweepstakes =-.
following on twitter, @palmersf and tweeted:
.-= Shannon´s last blog Laptop Giveaway Sweepstakes =-.
I battle the bug by washing my hands frequently!
just to cool, thank you
I wipe down the shopping carts when I shop and try to wash my hands as much as possible.
We wash our hands a lot.
Washing hands is our first defense, but tackling the symptoms immmediately is next.
We try by taking extra vitamin c and washing hands more often.
We make sure we get enough sleep.
Daily vitamins, sleep regimens (yes, even in the summer for the kids), getting outdoors with sunshine and fresh air!
I have them take vitamins daily and make sure they get enough fruit and vegetables daily.
.-= Bebemiqui´s last blog ..There Is Nothing New Under The Sun =-.
I drink plenty of water, eat plenty of vitamin C and Just stay away from other sick people
Fresh lemonade every day. Made with xylitol instead of sugar to help out our dental hygiene, too.
We wash our hands a lot and take vitamins!
Lots of sleep, Lots of Water and eating really healthy keep the flu bugs at bay!
Number one is definately washing hands. Also eating healthy and exercise, trying to keep the immune system in good shape so you aren’t as susceptible to illness. Thank you for the giveaway and have a nice evening!
follow on twitter – jessilynne
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We use hand sanitizer ALL the time!
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We make sure the kids keep their hands washed (and we do too), and we keep the kitchen floors and counters cleaned up always.
wash, wash, wash!
clean toys and surfaces with wipes!
thanks for sponsoring this.
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I am constantly washing my hands – ever since my oldest was born, I’ve been washing my hands all the time. I wish I could say I get lots of sleep though 🙂
Thank you for the giveaway!
.-= Cathy @ Chief Family Officer´s last blog ..One more recall yesterday: 1 Million Kolcraft Play Yards =-.
With a two year old and a newborn, the best thing I can think of is wah hands constantly and use hand cleaners that kill germs.
I have your button.
.-= Jennifer McC´s last blog ..5M4M & the Balance Bike Memories =-.
I’m subscribed by email.
.-= Jennifer McC´s last blog ..5M4M & the Balance Bike Memories =-.
We have the flu going around where I live and washing our hands is number one on our list. Also when out in public try to keep your hands away from your mouth and nose until you have washed your hands.
We was our hands often and I carry hand sanizer in my purse and car for times when a soap and water aren’t available.
Making sure that we regularly wash our hands with soap and water
i eat organic to keep my immune system up!
A diet of whole foods, tons of water, no sugar, no refined flour, limited dairy, all organic. Lots of handwashing. And when needed, herbal boosters like Sambucol.
I battle the bug with good diet, clothing and hygienic habits. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
I battle a bug with drinking a LOT of orange juice and hot tea
drink lots of water to stay healthy.
I drink water with immune boosters in it.
.-= Cynthia Shern´s last blog ..Free Pedigree Dog Food =-.
Lots of vitamin C and frequent hand washing.
I battle the bug everyday with handwashing everytime I use the restroom. I also keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer that I use when handling things like money.
We wash our hands as soon as we get home and I wipe off the phones, doorknobs, handles and other germ sharing places regularly.
I’m fastidious anout handwashing. I wash my hands all day. Make kids do the same.
Vitamin B and Echinacae
I practice good hand hygiene!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
I wash my hands – a lot!
I make my family wash hands and use hand sanitizer when we are out of the house. s…@h…
.-= BeBeCakes´s last undefined ..(Enjoy 10 returned posts for 2 weeks) =-.
We wash hands — a lot! I’m always talking to my kids about covering their mouths when they sneeze or cough, preferably with their arm instead of their hand. I really try hard to emphasize how important it is to keep your germs to yourself!
Wash hands often and use anti-bacterial spray when soap and water are not available.
Wash the hands frequently and eat healthy.
We wash hands a lot, but always, always before we eat anything. When we’re out and about we use waterless hand cleaners. We also eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and drink lots of water.
I use hand sanitizer on myself and my children whenever we’re out in public. We also rely on multivitamins and berries for anti-oxidants.
mfalcon13 at hotmail dot com
Handwashing! Handwashing! Handwashing!!!!
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Kroger – Some Goodies! =-.
I am constantly washing my hands!
.-= Ashley´s last blog ..Wild Wednesday: Stop & Shop + CVS =-.
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.-= Ashley´s last blog ..Wild Wednesday: Stop & Shop + CVS =-.
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.-= Ashley´s last blog ..Wild Wednesday: Stop & Shop + CVS =-.
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.-= Ashley´s last blog ..Wild Wednesday: Stop & Shop + CVS =-.
Buy foaming soap, it’s more fun to use.
Lots of vitamin C and hand sanitizer!!!
I ALWAYS keep a can of Lysol on my desk at work!
Handwashing and the old sneezing into your elbow and not your hands works too, apparently I do it so well my 4 year old has to have a Kleenex to open doors to restrooms!! 🙂 Too far maybe?? 🙂
I battle the bug by constant hand washing!
.-= Nicole @ Nicole’s Nickels´s last blog ..Top 10 Giveaways, 7/11 =-.
I blogged about this giveaway –
.-= Nicole @ Nicole’s Nickels´s last blog ..Top 10 Giveaways, 7/11 =-.
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.-= Nicole @ Nicole’s Nickels´s last blog ..Top 10 Giveaways, 7/11 =-.
washing hands is sooo important!
We use a ton of hand sanitizer. I have a cute little dispenser clipped to my diaper bag for easy access in the library, stores, etc.
.-= Spoodles´s last blog ..Scott Common Sense Giveaway =-.
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.-= Spoodles´s last blog ..Battle the Bug =-.
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.-= Spoodles´s last blog ..Battle the Bug =-.
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handwashing is so important during the cold season. Year round my family has allergy issues and I find my husband and older son do not want to admit they are suffering. Unfortunately they do have drainage and sinus issues that when ignored can develop into sinus infections. Which brings me to the other thing I do, which is nag my macho types to take their daily allergy meds.
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We wash our hands a lot and use lots of hand sanitizer
Hand washing and lots of Vitamin C!
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Facebook fan: ktanjatk tk
Vitamins everyday helps keep the sick away. Thanks
following on Twitter and tweeted
I battle the bug in my home by constant handwashing!! I”m a little OCD haha
When I was raising my two brothers, I got them in the habit too and it cuts down on colds tremendously!
We also try to drink a lot of juice for Vitamin C and eating onions/garlic helps colds stay away too!
Thank you for the chance to win! You have a very nice blog!
Hand washing! Nothing is better at fighting off germs.
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I battle the bug by taking my daily vitamins!
.-= Jaime´s last blog ..Pitbulls: The most hated breed in America; My absolute favorite! =-.
I just had my baby 2 months ago, and I have never been so cautious about germs! Ever since finding out I was pregnant, I have been watching what I eat, constantly keeping my hands clean, and making everyone around me stay as germ free as possible so I would not get sick with the baby. Now that she’s out, I always carry around sanitizer, wipes, and tissues to make sure I’m prepared for any disaster!
I blogged!
.-= Jaime´s last blog ..Pitbulls: The most hated breed in America; My absolute favorite! =-.
To battle the bug-we are consistent in washing our hands, not drinking from each others’ glasses,
not sneezing in someone’s face. As soon as something is spilled in the kitchen etc, it is wiped right up with a paper towel which is thrown out.
The bathroom is cleaned throughly at least twice a week.
We eat our fruits and veggies
I am a email subsriber of yours 🙂
I work in the healthcare field so I have instilled in my family the importance of good hand washing and proper use and disposal of tissues etc. Simple things are the most important in stopping the spread of colds and other infections.
I added you to my faves on technorati.
My family ALWAYS tries to make good use of Good Handwashing techniques and of course we use Kleenex Tissues to cover our mouths when we cough.
We use hand sanitizer all year long, and are very adamant about hand washing. Thanks for the chance to win!
.-= MelissaW´s last blog ..My Super Fresh triples haul (#1) =-.
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.-= MelissaW´s last blog ..My Super Fresh triples haul (#1) =-.
wash hands a lot, be mindful to not touch your face when your out and about, vitamins, exercise, get enough sleep
I “battle the bug” year-round by washing my hands a lot, eating healthfully, drinking lots of water, and praying!
I avoid overusing antibiotics. If it is not a verified bacterial infection, I don’t use them. My son is four. He’s been sick once a year, and each time it only lasts a day. I attribute this to the complete lack of overusing antibiotics and antibacterial products in our home.
.-= Nicole ´s last blog ..Sarah Street Grill =-.
This may be a little different – but, it is something that I don’t do that I feel helps me battle bugs. I am an avid handwasher, but I avoid antibacterial soaps. I have read several studys that suggest they actually may help create super-bugs because they build up an immunity over time. So I stick with plain soap or alchol based gels.
Good luck all!
I drink lots and lots of water.
I wash my hands frequently
I make sure my kids wash their hands frequently!
We do lots of hand washing and mouth covering. lol Thank you!
If we have the sniffles, we battle the bug by not getting other people sick!
Do unto others…
Sneeze into your elbow crease and then wash your hands is a very big part of that.
Lots of Lysol & Clorox sanitizing wipes.
Keep the grandkids home when they’re sick,this helps us a lot.
Yahoo reader subscriber.
Facebook fan. username-jelly15301,,,
Technorati fav. username-jelly15301,,,
I find doing something as simple as a daily multi-vitamin helps me….I rarely get sick with anything.
We battle the bug with frequent hand washing.
good old fashion handwashing and disinfecting objects with lysol disinfectant spray.
.-= yulonda´s last blog ..aarnold30: Social Media & Advertising ?- =-.
Lots of hand-washing and avoiding crowds–especially during flu season–keeps us a healthy family.
We battle the bug with normal handwashing and we true to keep up our immune system. We will take vitamin C boosters and other products that have come out now to resist or shorten the length of colds and flu. It hard with young kids in school but luckily the teachers usually really reinforce the hand sanitizer and washing.
As a teacher, I keep a box of tissues on my desk for all students to use. We clean our desks once a week with anti-bacterial wipes. It’s a fun and worthwhile activity.
I try to wash my hands as much as I can.
We wash our hands and eat plenty of vegetables!
I use lysol all over the house to clean and kill germs!
I am a subscriber!
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I am a frequent hand washer and use hand sanitizer.
I Became a fan of Riding With No Hands on Facebook.
I am a big, big fan of Lysol spray. I always spray the door knobs, sinks faucets, appliance handles, remotes, game controllers, light switches. Anything really, that I know hands are touching. I keep disinfectant hand spray in car. The kids and I after buckling up, pass the spray around.
facebook fan.
We make the kids (and ourselves) wash our hands when we come into the house. Soap expenses have risen drastically!
Wash, wash, wash. Not only hands, but regularly wash linens, etc. Use a light spray of clorox (very diluted) and water to wipe down surfaces too at regular intervals.
I wash my hands for a full 15 seconds to battle the bug. I can’t stress this one enough.
I follow you on Twitter under April1p and tweeted:
Vit C, D, chicken soup and Lysol especially at work.
I take vitamins. 🙂
We use vitamin C and lots of hand washing.
We battle the bug by doing the dreaded handwashing. You’d think I told my kids to eat bugs when I say “Wash your hands” – but it’s helping – we are a lot healthier and I’m not as worried about germs!
I like to use dial antibacterial handsoap in the shower first to kill any germs and then use a better smelling bodywash like Axe or something. I also keep purell hand sanitizer in my briefcase, my truck, in my desk, and in my kitchen. I wash before and after cooking, using toilet, ect. I also offer hand sanitizer to everyone so that I am not self conscious about shaking hands and stuff like that.
We do a lot of handwashing!
You can never wash your hands too much
I use hand sanitizer at the store!
.-= autie´s last blog ..Awww…what a cutie! =-.
We wash our hands often
I use anti-bacterial wipes to clean my desk and phone daily (and require all of my call center staff to as well) to help kee our workplace healthy, and reduce lost time.
Mostly just handwashing around here. GOod old fashioned soap and water 🙂
I Battle the Bug by washing hands often. Love the idea of a tissue that fights viruses!
we wash hands constantly
When the flu is going around we try to limit our visits to places where lots of people may be like supercenters , large sports events etc. There is nothing worse than getting a shopping cart after a sick person has used it before you grab on and start shopping yourself. Thanks!
Washing hands, wiping down buggies with sanitizers, keeping sanitizer with me at all times, wiping toilet seats with sanitizing wipes.
Washing hands A LOT!!
with a healthy diet
I just subscribed via e-mail.
I battle the bug by coughing and sneezing into the crook of my elbow, instead of my hand.
Besides the old hand washing standby, we also use disinfectant wipes on grocery cart handles….There are some icky people in those stores.
We battle the bug by tring to keep our immune systems as strong as we can – eating healthy, getting plenty of sleep. We struggle with exercise and hand-washing but keep trying!
.-= Janet Carpenter´s last blog ..tach3bxyqe =-.
I twittered and am following you as well:
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.-= Janet Carpenter´s last blog ..tach3bxyqe =-.
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.-= Janet Carpenter´s last blog ..tach3bxyqe =-.
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.-= Janet Carpenter´s last blog ..tach3bxyqe =-.
I battle the bug by washing my hands a lot and always carrying instant hand sanitizer with me!
I have your button!
.-= Janet Carpenter´s last blog ..tach3bxyqe =-.
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.-= Tiffany´s last blog ..Free Sample :: Bodycology Body Lotion =-.
I’ve added your button to my Links page!
.-= Tiffany´s last blog ..Free Sample :: Bodycology Body Lotion =-.
We battle the bug by washing our hands..ALOT.
.-= Becky´s last blog ..T-Ball =-.
We battle the bug by washing hands, getting our vitamin C and lots of sleep.
We battle the bug by using frequent hand washing techniques and cleaning commonly touched surfaces such as doorknobs, phones, computer keyboard, etc. Thanks.
We battle the bug by washing hands alot and by washing counters and other things with bleach water. We also have an air purifier. Also wash hand towels daily.
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Became a fan on facebook/Gloria McKellar
I am always washing my hands to help prevent getting sick. I can’t afford to take sick days off!
I battle the bug by lotsa Vitamin C
Emergen-c, even when I travel I take it with me!
Get enough sleep and avoid crowds.
I battle the bug all year long by washing my hands a ton and using lots of antibacterial gel!
I’m following you on twitter and i tweeted the giveaway
I became a fan of Riding with no hands on facebook…
Justine Pierson
I wash my hands all the time.
Wash your hands – often.
Need for school…..toddlers!
Washing hands all the time!
We wash our hands several times a day and carry antibacterial hand soap.
.-= christina blanchard´s last blog ..Freebies to sign up for =-.
I just added you button come check it out!!!
.-= christina blanchard´s last blog ..Freebies to sign up for =-.
i just added your button
.-= christina blanchard´s last blog ..Freebies to sign up for =-.
As a teacher of middle school children I practice a very good hygiene regimen in my classroom.
We battle the bug by washing our hands and eating lots of yogurt to build up immunity!
I battle the bug with lots of hand-washing and sanitizer!
We battle the bug by washing our hand well and sneezing” into” our elbows.
Keep hand sanitizer and mini lysol can in my purse and in their desks at school. After using class books and before eating or unloading dishwasher, always wash hands. Never sneeze into hands. Children DO NOT pick your nose =)
I keep hand santitizer at the shared computer at work!
.-= Diane´s last blog ..dwalline: Battle the Bug with Kleenex Anti-Viral tissues and enter to win a $50 Visa gift card from @ohMariana! =-.
.-= Diane´s last blog ..dwalline: Battle the Bug with Kleenex Anti-Viral tissues and enter to win a $50 Visa gift card from @ohMariana! =-.
I have subscribed to your feed and added this to my blog at, have added you to my twitter AND facebook!! wow.
I battle the bug by keeping away from sick people. If I feel like I am getting sick I take a hot shower and drink lots of fluids. I don’t like taking medications, so it’s home remedies for me. Like spicy foods to get the pipes unclogged, hot showers, lots of fluids, and lots of rest.
I battle the bug by getting a supply of Kleenex making comfort chicken soup and my all time favorite when I am sick chicken and dumplings
I always wash my hands alot and I drink plenty of water , get as much rest as I can. I always take my vitamins and try and stay away from people who look sick!
Im a subscriber too!
Our family battles the bug by stocking up on plenty of kleenex, chicken soup and antibacterial soup. You can’t go wrong with those 3 on your side!
I battle a bug with Vitamin C tablets that my company provides!
9_26 at myway dot com
We all sneeze in our elbow pit as well as wash our hands several times a day. Lysol, Lysol, Lysol when we are sick.
we battle the bug by taking our vitamins and washing our hands as often as possible
Lots and lots of hand washing!
I wash my hands constantly and use hand sanitizer as well. Thanks for the contest!
Tweeted about the giveaway:
I am kwilsonABC36 on twitter!
I wash my hands often, and take vitamins daily.
Keep washing hands!
We wash our hands a lot and if we can not get to the soap and water we use germx. If we get sick its a lot of bed rest until we feel better. I tweeted I have your button
We wash our hands alot and I disinfect things that we touch alot, like bathroom fixtures, kitchen handles, door handles, phones, tv remotes & car steering wheel. None of us were sick in the past year!
My husband is a teacher so many of the germs that me and the kids come in contact with are brought home with him. To make sure that they don’t spread to the rest of us he washes his hands and changes out of his work clothes as soon as he gets home.
I subscribe via Google Reader. Thanks!
I follow you on Twitter and left a Tweet about this great giveaway –
I faved you on Technorati.
There is no secret. The only way to stay healthy is to wash your hands and don’t touch too many public surfaces.
Washing hands thoroughly. Also, I use the paper towel to open the public restroom door, then toss it.
Fan on facebook.
Lots of hand washing and sanitizer.
I battle the bug by exercising and eating right. I also wash my hands often.
We wash our hands after being outside, before meals, after a trip to the store. That’s the main way we try to battle the bug! We also keep track of family and friends who are sick so that we don’t contract their bugs!
.-= Lily Bean Designs (Dana)´s last blog ..Lily Bean Designs $25 Giveaway! =-.
I subscribe to your feed via google reader.
.-= Lily Bean Designs (Dana)´s last blog ..Lily Bean Designs $25 Giveaway! =-.
.-= Lily Bean Designs (Dana)´s last blog ..Lily Bean Designs $25 Giveaway! =-.
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.-= Lily Bean Designs (Dana)´s last blog ..Lily Bean Designs $25 Giveaway! =-.
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.-= Lily Bean Designs (Dana)´s last blog ..Fancy Fortune Cookies Giveaway! =-.
Facebook fan!
I subscribe and added you to My Yahoo Feedburner. Plenty of washing hands and sanitizer!!
I wash my hands all the time.
Email subscriber
Twitter follower & tweet
Your button is on my sidebar
Facebook fan – Bridget Hopper
Technorati fave – bridget3420
Blogged about giveaway
I maintain good hygiene.
.-= Raymond Machuga´s last blog ..Frugal Mommy =-.
Plenty of fluids, vitamim-healthy diet and attention to hygiene – whether in July or January! 🙂
frenquent hand washing and tons of vitamin c
We wash our hands and try not to touch our face.
I follow your blog.
I subscribe.
washing my hands with plain soap and water – saline spray for my allergies too
I always wash my hands.
I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted – JulieMeagan.
we wash our hands before and after every meal, bathroom visit, and after a good nose blowing.
wash hands a lot, be mindful when your out anywhere and not touch your face after say opening a convience store door, take vitamins, exercise, get enough sleep
We make sure to wash our hands appropriately.
Lots of fruits and vegetables, along with frequent hand washing.
I carry anti-bacterial lotion in my purse.
madamerkf at aol dot com
We wash our hands often, eat properly, exercise and get plenty of sunshine.
We wash wash wash!
.-= Sonya´s last blog ..Who doesn’t love free gas? =-.
.-= Tanya´s last blog ..bObles Review and Giveaway! =-.
We wash our hands, take vitamins, drink water and get a good amount of sleep.
Lots of Vitamin C, hand washing and exercise.
hand washing and healthy eating
We realized that we needed to step up the hand washing when someone at my husbands work was out with the Swine Flu. I carry hand sanitizer that we use when we are out and about.
Lots of hand washing and vitamin C!!
I wash my hands all the time and it keeps me healthy.
Definitely handwashing and frequent trash-changing!!
Keep surfaces such as shared computer keyboards disinfected.
subscribed in google reader.
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Follower on twitter and tweeted.
I am obsessive about using alcohol gels on my hands when I am out.
I battle the bug all year long by getting plenty of rest, eating healthy, and exercising.
We battle the bug by washing our hands!
Taking good care of myself by eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep.
I battle the bug all year by keeping baby wipes in my car to “wash” my hands everytime I get back in my car when running errands, getting gas, pushing the shopping cart, opening doors, etc. Also at work I always wipe down everything that I am going to touch, with wipes that kill “bugs” especially the phone…the entire phone! You have to just remember…everything is dirty and has those cold and flu bugs, so be careful!!!
I’m pretty obsessive about keeping hand sanitizer everywhere – in most rooms of my home, in my car, in my bag, in my office, etc., and I attribute my success at battling the bug to that and to the fact that I’m pretty diligent about taking Vitamin C supplements. Knock wood — I haven’t had a cold all year!
Thanks for the giveaway!
The body is it’s own best doctor, so plenty of sleep normally, and extra when sick.
.-= Miles DeFortuna´s last blog ..1968 Tunnel Rats =-.
I wash my hands alot (making sure not to forget the thumbs!) and keep hand sanitizer with me to use when needed.
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Ive always kept a bottle of Purell, on my since I was a little girl [not the same bottle though, I promise!].
Also, I find that I tend to stay healthier when I don’t say things like “Its been forever since Ive gotten sick!”.
I wash my hands many, many times throughout the day.
I battle the bug by taking Zinc and keeping my hands and face clean.
I’m following as yadgirl and I posted a tweet.
If my husband or I get sick, we take immediate action to keep from spreading germs. We start using separate hand towels, use alcohol on the phone after we use it, and even use different tubes of toothpaste until the danger passes!
.-= Auriette´s last blog ..Hurricane Survival Links =-.
I battle the bug all year long by washing my hands frequently and sanitizing around the house often.
email subscriber
.-= Terra Heck´s last blog ..Two Kiddos, Another Year Older =-.
I follow you on Twitter and tweeted about the giveaway.
Frequent hand washing is a must in this house.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
Lots of vitamin C and hand washing!
I wash my hands all the time and I make sure that I get a flu shot every year! Thanks for the chance to win!
I try to eat well and get enough sleep.
.-= Chrysa´s last blog ..$100 Teva Women’s Running Shoe for Only $19.90 =-.
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I keep hand sanitizer in my purse and car for making sure I don’t bring germs home after shopping,, etc
We use alot of germ-x… wash hands, and take a daily vitamin and eats fruits and veggies.
Hand washing for sure. But also being mindful of places where germs are most prevalent (door handles, public restrooms, shopping carts etc.).
Hand sanitizer is my family’s best friend. We buy it in bulk!
I make sure my kids wash their hands and take vitamins! (And me too!)
Raw garlic. I add some to my food if I feel that I am catching a cold. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Thank you.
vitamin c and washing hands often!
Washing hands and using purex. Those are the keys for our family.
Thanks for the giveaway…We battle the Bug all year by having the kids & their friends wash their hands when they come inside from school, playing in the yard, sports practice, etc.
i wash my hands and eat healthy
Good thorough hand washing and staying away from people who are infected(if possible)
Subscriber here! skyskyaa11(at)
Have your button
We’re definitely into disinfecting around the house. Lysol wipes on all community surfaces like the phone, door handles, etc.
We wash our hands alot.
We take vitamins all year and always have Kleenex on hand. As hard as we try, with kids in school and with work, someone always still gets sick.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I wash my hands a lot and take my vitamins.
vitamins and hand washing
Ty to wash my hands with antibacterial sop frequently
Lots of vitamin C and hand washing!
Lots and lots of handwashing! Also, I use lysol on just about everything, Im kinda obsseive about it. Nothing worse that sick kiddos! Thanks for the chance!
I follow on twitter, mom2anutball. And I tweeted!
I already have you faved on technorati, mom2anutball!
lots of handwashing
Allergies are at their worst now. With COPD, I battle the virus bug all my life. Weak immune system means watch out. Kleenex anti-viral sounds so much better than icky old cotton handkerchiefs.
I feel your pain, I have 2 kids of my own. We are a big fan of this product.
I drink a lot of OJ and other vitamin C to keep up my health.
it is easy we wash hands ALOT
We constantly wash our hands and use anti-bacterial wipes.
we always keep our hands washed, and try to take the vitamins we need
I teach 3rd graders and with the allergies and colds going around all year long, I rely on Kleenex products and alot of good ole fashion handwashing. We use Kleenex products at our businesses and in our home and cars. They are the BEST!
I always have hand sanitizer in the car, the diaper bag or my purse since the kids touch EVERYTHING!
.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..A Vacation from Vacation =-.
I take a mushroom supplement called AHCC Plus and I keep my hands clean and away from my face. I haven’t had a flu or cold in years.
Lots of handwashing. Hand sanitizer when that’s not available. Oh, and when I leave a bathroom, I open the door with a paper towel instead of my hand…you’d be amazed at how many people walk out of there without washing their hands! Ick!
I always carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer and a few sanitary wipes for cleanups away from home. Not to mention the tissues I always have with us.
We drink plenty of citrus liquids, practice good hygiene and use antibacterial sprays.
hand sanitizer, vitamin C, and zinc
I battle the bug all year long by making sure I always wash my hands consistantly and by keeping hand sanitizer close by.
Daily vitamins and emergen-c for the kids and lots of reminders to wash your hands and use your kleenexes!
I have my family do alot of handwashing and use lysol everyday!
I subscribe!
I am a fan on facebook! Stephanie Petty-Grant
We are constanly washing our hands, and use lots of GERM-X!!
Follow on Twitter and Tweeted!
Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer in every bag (purse, diaper bag, car, etc). I carry extra wipes with us as well. Plenty of lysol, etc around the house and avoid sick people as much as possible!!
We wash our hands frequently and try to avoid large crowds.
I’m a subscriber
It’s all about washing hands. Washing hands is the key, because hand sanitizer helps breed resistant bacteria and has no effect on the real menaces- viruses like the cold and the flu. Eating right and exercising also is important!
following and tweeted! Soundofsilence7
We battle the bug all year round by my nagging my kids all the time to wash their hands, and I have fruity smelling anti-bacterial soap pumps at all the sinks, the kids tend to wash their hands more when they like the sweet fruity scent of the soap, and I don’t get mad if they play and splash the water around a little, I’d rather have them wash their hands without a battle and clean up a little water around the sink, than have them defy me and not wash their hands. I also always carry Purel hand sanitizer with me when we go out and always ask my kids to rub their hands in it if they have been playing with other children and touching lots of toys or doors that many other people have touched. I think this combined with great healthy diet and lots of sleep help somewhat to keep everyone healthy!
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I have become a fan of Riding With No Hands on Facebook, my username there is Joanna Smith
We wash hands as though possessed! lol
Wash your hands all the time.
I have favored you on Technorati, my username is joannaonthelake
I don’t do anything special really, we have good immune systems because we didn’t over protect ourselves from being sick thus making it easier to get sick. Still, Kleenex and $50 would be a nice present, thanks for the contest!
We have lots of pretty soaps that I interchange weekly so it’s always different. Keeps things new and fresh.
Keeping our hands clean by washing them very well all day long!
I keep hand sanitizer on my desk at school for me and all my students to use whenever! We go through it like water! I could use the $50 to buy this year’s supply of sanitizer before school starts!
I make everyone wash their hands, especially after being in public and wipe down frequently used surfaces with anti-bacterial wipes.
we try to eat lots of fruits and veggies and get plenty of rest 🙂
fan on facebook kathylpease
We wash our hands often!
We eat well, take our vitamins, get plenty of exercise as a family, wash our hands often and get plenty of sleep. Do those five things daily and you are much better equipped to battle the bug all year long.
I’m a fan as of today on Facebook.
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I battle the bug by staying hydrated!
I bring lysol wipes with me to the store and wipe down the carts as best i can before using them. It makes me feel better about putting my hands on them and putting my food in them!
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Win a Jump Start World membership! ENDS 07/14/09 =-.
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I have a large family and this is difficult because viruses pass easily in large families. Besides promoting hand washing, I try to clean common objects such as door knobs, telephone handsets, and stair rails.
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We battle the bug with lots of hand washing
Frequent hand washing, drink plenty of water, get lots of sleep.
Follow on Twitter: slehan
I battle the bug (all year long, haha) by washing my hands often, using antimicrobial hand lotion (which is really cool, by the way), getting a decent amount of sleep, and taking multivitamins. Got to keep healthy!
.-= Sadiana!´s last blog ..Free Book Friday! =-.
The only way I konw how to battle the bug is by washing our hands a frequently as possible.
Handwashing and chewable Vitamin C!!!
I battle the bug by avoiding crowds of sneezing and coughing people. Also, I drink plenty of fluids.
I try to make sure I wash my hands often, get my vitamin C and I drink tons of water everyday.
Lots of Vitamin C!
Constantly with the hand washing!! I Lysol when I can but not overly done. We all take vitamins and drink plenty of water.
Wash hands frequently and drink plenty of water daily.
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We make sure to wash our hands and disinfect knobs and handles often.
We get flu shots each year!
drink lots of orange juice
I battle the bug all year long by washing my hands as often as possible!
Wash hands, wash hands, wash hands!
Wash your hands all the time.