This post is part of a compensated campaign in collaboration with LUBRIDERM® and Latina Bloggers Connect.
Monday through Friday, I wake up at 7am. My mornings are all about getting the kids up and out the door. After getting out of bed, I wash my face and brush my teeth, then go downstairs and let the dog out. I listen to the news and start making the girls’ lunches before waking them up at 7:15. They get out of bed and get dressed while I make breakfast. Breakfast for the girls is usually something quick and light – a bowl of cereal, oatmeal, toast with butter and jam, a piece of fruit, milk, orange juice… the regular breakfast fare. Sometimes they’ll even make their own. They pick up their dishes (most of the time) and run upstairs to brush their teeth and comb their hair. A couple of minutes before 8, the girls quickly put on their coats and gloves, grab their backpacks and lunches, and I give their hair a quick touch up before kissing them goodbye. I’ve been known to give them a little push out the door, especially on Monday mornings. 😉 We’re fortunate that the bus stops right in front of our house so they don’t have to walk far or wait outside for very long.
I have the luxury of working from home, so my day pretty much starts at 8:01am – I fix myself breakfast and enjoy it with a big cup of coffee while watching a morning news show or reading the news on my tablet. Then I open up my computer, check email, pay bills, and get some work done. On weekends, I’ll sleep in until 8, if I’m lucky.
As for our evening routine, it’s pretty much the same every night. We take turns showering, then squeeze into the bathroom shortly before 8pm, wash our faces, brush/floss/rinse, and change into our PJs before the girls jump into bed. They can read for about 30 minutes before I declare ‘lights out!’ I head to bed around 10:30pm, and also read for half an hour, sometimes longer. Or if I’ve had a particularly stressful day, I’ll play a mindless game on my tablet (which usually keeps me up longer. Not the best idea!)
One detail I haven’t mentioned, which is an essential part of our daily routine, is moisturizing.
I tell my daughters that if they want to maintain a youthful appearance as they get older, slathering their skin with lotion is a must! They may not understand it now, but I bet they’ll thank me when they’re older and they don’t have rough, dry skin like that alligator from the LUBRIDERM® commercials.
On these cold winter days, it’s necessary to moisturize more often. We wash our hands a LOT so I have
a bottle of lotion next to every sink to use after hand-washing. LUBRIDERM® Daily Moisture Lotion is fast-absorbing and light. The air inside is so dry because the heater runs all day, and the cold outside really hurts sometimes! I feel my skin tighten up as the chilly wind hits my face when I walk the dog. Not to mention the harmful rays of the sun! I read somewhere that the sun is actually closer to the earth during the winter. I use LUBRIDERM® Daily Moisture Lotion SPF 15 during the day on any exposed areas for extra protection. My Transitions glasses get dark within seconds of being outside, even on a cloudy day – so that says it all.

Lotions do more than just moisturize your skin – they give it a little boost of important vitamins and nutrients as well, like the deeply nourishing Shea butter and vitamin B5 in LUBRIDERM® Daily Moisture Shea + Enriching Cocoa Butter Lotion that I use before bed every night. It’s DIVINE!

I have been using Lubriderm for many years. It works so well.
My daily routine is rush rush rush! I need to make more time to lotion myself at least twice a day! I try to before bed and it is so important.
My dad uses LUBRIDERM and he loves it. He has very dry, flaky skin for some reason. I’ve heard good things about LUBRIDERM but I’ve never used it myself, perhaps I should give it a try.
Lesley´s last blog post ..What the Fat? Zujava Finally Paid Missing Earnings from 2014!
The one product I use religiously is moisturizer. Living in Southern California, I have to!
Lubriderm is what an esthetician suggests, if her clients are not, or don’t want to, purchase expense moisturizers – I use it as a body moisturizer!
Donna Ward´s last blog post ..Need Some SEO Optimization?
What a great sounding product; one I hadn’t heard of before I have to admit, I’m going to have to go and have a look out for it. x
Sarah Bailey´s last blog post ..Get Fit Kit from Ayurveda Pura: Review
I actually moisturize a lot in the winter. More than normal because my furnace makes my house so dry. Nobody likes dry itchy skin
Gingermommy´s last blog post ..Chicken Soup for the Soul Hope & Miracles Book Giveaway US/CAN
Moisturizer is essential to get rid of dry skin and LUBRIDERM is best for fast relief.
If I don’t moisturize, my skin is just like sandpaper… not kidding. I am dry, dry, dry. I have use Lubriderm before.
Terry´s last blog post ..Our Granddaughter Modeling Her Jackets ~ The Grandson Thinks He Is A Super Hero!
Lubiderm works great for me. I use it on a daily basis and it does wonders
We are extremely happy having this brand as part of our family routines. I love the one with SPF for me
Lubriderm is a great lotion. I use it a lot in the winter when my hands and feet start to dry out.
I could go on about moisturizers for a while LOL I have two kinds for my hands, one for my legs, three for my feet, two for my cuticles, one for my face, three for my eyes…and I think that’s it LOL
It is very important to take care of your skin. Moisturizing it during the winter is a must.
Melissa Vera´s last blog post ..Fifteen to Read After Fifty Shades
Never tried out Lubridem before, but I am a big fan of moisturizing; I love how nice and smooth my hands are!
We have Lubriderm in the house too. It really does work great, especially in the winter!
I have to try Lubriderm. I usually use a different brand which sometimes work
I use lotion every night before bed. I really need to use it more than that. My skin stays dry during the winter.
I need this for my feet. They are so dry and yucky. I will have to add it to my daily routine.
I used to use Lubriderm, I haven’t used it in months but when I did it worked wonders. It’s a different kind of dry here in this new state and it didn’t work as well here so I now use something else.
Amanda Love´s last blog post ..Amazing Baked Ziti
I have heard about this product- it works so well with dry skin. it used to be my bestfriend way back when my skin was cracking up.