There is something about the father-daughter relationship…
Unfortunately my father hasn’t played a major role in my life, at least not since I was a little girl, so I wouldn’t be a good person to describe what this relationship is like. All I know is that it’s unique. My daughters look at their dad… differently. And I miss mine terribly.
Kristin Chenoweth is releasing an album tomorrow, September 13th, called “Some Lessons Learned.” I streamed the entire album earlier, as I cooked dinner, and found the song “Fathers and Daughters” really touching. She performed it on The Tonight Show last week:
You grow up and discover
No one ever loves each other
Like fathers and daughters
That’s my favorite song, but the rest of the album is nice, too. I love the country feel of “What Would Dolly Do,” inspired by – who else? – Kristin’s idol, Dolly Parton! “Borrowed Angels” is just beautiful, about losing a loved one, and “God and Me” is really sweet. Tune into The View tomorrow morning, Tuesday, September 13, to watch Kristin perform!
Wow she is gorgeous and this song is so beautiful, made me tear up.
Thanks, Ella 🙂 Glad you liked it!