How cool is it that I can chat with Everyday Food Magazine’s editor-in-chief Deb Puchalla on Twitter? And she read my blog. A while back I also talked to assistant food editor Emma Feigenbaum about a little incident she had with her iPhone – accidentally baking it while testing a recipe.
I guess you can say I’m a little star-struck!
I remember reading the very first issue of Everyday Food way back in early 2003. I’ve been a loyal reader ever since, except for maybe 1-2 years when Maya was a baby and I had no time (or motivation) to cook much.
One of the recipes from that first issue is still in our regular rotation – the mustard-glazed salmon. It’s my hubby’s absolute favorite dish. I’ve tried preparing it other ways, but ultimately we always revert back to that.
I subscribe to a lot of magazines, but Everyday Food is dearest to me. I love the compactness of it. I used to just tear out recipes I liked, but now I save all the issues and pull out the ones pertaining to the current season when I’m in need of inspiration. The regular features are excellent. “Have You Tried?” has encouraged me to try new foods, with “Wine Basics” I can impress my husband my pairing the perfect wine with dinner, “Kitchen Tips” are always valuable, and “In Season” reminds me of what I should look for at the grocery store.
I’ve gifted Everyday Food to family and friends several times, and it’s always a hit! An affordable one, at that. Just on my street, there are 3 of us that subscribe, which is great because we can share our experiences – “Have you tried making the apple crisp from so-and-so issue?” for example.
The Everyday Food show on PBS is my preferred cooking show on TV at the moment. It doesn’t have any of the pretense of the programming on other channels. No gimmicks, just good food. I watch it every Sunday morning along with Maya and always look forward to a new episode. If you’ve never seen it, check your local PBS listings.
Do you have a favorite cooking magazine?
I love Twitter for some of the same reasons! I feel a little in awe of Deb and some others who I never imagined I’d be able to interact with. So cool!
I was going to email you just now, but I don’t have your address. Anyway, I hope you’ll post pictures of those cuties in their costumes, too!
In all honesty, I love food but I don’t follow cooking much except to watch Gordon Ramsay cuss the heck out of people. I actually do enjoy when he goes into defunct restaurants and sets them straight, too.
However, I would be disingenuous if I did not admit that I am here to applaud and encourage your appreciation of Twitter. I have written many fun articles about it including the latest one, “Find Free Stuff on Twitter.” Perhaps it sounds a little hokey but, if you check it out, I think you’ll have to agree that it sure could be a lot fun hunting for things along the searches I’ve grouped together for readers.
And, you hit the nail on the head when you pointed out the fun, coolness of being able to have quick little micro-chats with otherwise unattainable people of note.
Thanks for your exuberance, and no, I do not work for Twitter. 😉
ps. thanks for commentluv!
Sam Freedoms Internet Marketing Controversy Blogs last blog post..Find Free Stuff on Twitter!
A long time ago, I had a subscription to Gourmet. No, I am not, nor have I ever been, a gourmet cook! But my kids were grown, I love to cook… and I thought I would try some interesting things. I actually did love the magazine. Then the grandchildren started coming. And coming. 9 times! Now I’m looking for quick, healthy dinners for my husband and me so we can have time for our grandkids. And, of course, we love to cook and bake with the older ones.
You really piqued my interest in Every Day Food. I am definitely going to check it out! Thanks for a great suggestion…
Thanks so much for the kind words! Since Everyday Food is all about best-quality meal solutions (think fast and fresh with a dash of Martha), it’s important–and fun–for us to talk to fans about what works best in their homes and hearing about what they’re looking for as they plan, shop, cook and cleanup. You all have good ideas we want to hear, and there’s always something cooking in our kitchens—visit us at and follow me at
Thanks again!
Deb Puchallas last blog post..Chicken with Artichoke Hearts
Everyday Food sounds like the perfect magazine for you. And no, I don’t work for them! You’re sure to find recipes that you can even make with your grandkids. I cook and bake with my oldest daughter all the time. I can practically get her to eat anything as long as she’s had a hand in making it! Sure, it takes significantly longer, but I consider it quality time spent together.
Thank you so much for reading my blog. I read your posts all the time, although I don’t always leave a comment. 😉
As as said in a recent tweet, I only speak the truth! I think it’s wonderful that you communicate so well with all your fans. It really is refreshing to see a brand using social media in such a positive way.