Menu planning is not my forte. I mean, I try. I really do make an honest attempt. I scan my grocery store’s ad, looking for sales, think up a few meals based on those items, look through the fridge and pantry to see what we need, and make a list. And… that lasts for about […]
I Love Avocados! [Twitter Party]
Avocados. Mmmmm. Join us this afternoon for a Twitter Party to talk all about your love for avocados! Come slice, dip, spread, eat and tweet with us at #iloveavocados! Playful, fun and all about your love for avocados, hearts will be aflutter during the celebration of this delicious fruit. We’ll talk avocados, football, food, parties & more! Plus, […]
Game day chili with… Maseca!
There are some pantry items that I always have on hand, and Maseca is one of them. Genuine Maseca Corn Flour by Andy Castro, on Flickr In the past I’ve written about tortillas, tamales, and corn cakes, but did you know Maseca is also great as a thickener in soups and stews? Move over cornstarch, […]
Update: my jcpenney Secret Santa!
Earlier this month I chose a gift for another blogger as part of a Secret Santa gift exchange with Mom Central and jcpenney. Browsing her blog to learn a little bit about her interests was was a lot of fun. I ended up getting her a beautiful purse, something that I know she loves, judging […]
Marzetti Otria Greek Yogurt Veggie Dip
Greek yogurt is one of my favorite things! I cook with it, mix it with fruit for breakfast, put it in smoothies, and use it as dip. It still has that tartness yogurt is known for, but it’s super rich and creamy. Somehow, it’s low in fat… I don’t know how they do it. If […]
Sweet corn tamale cakes [recipe]
I had planned on making tamales this week. Really, I had. I even bought the Maseca corn flour a while back. But my first cold of the season has me miserable. Add to that the fact that it’s that time of the month, and I’m a mess. Staring at this big sack of Maseca on […]