… I’ve watched the Biggest Loser without anything to munch on. Ice cream is my usual pick, but cookies and cake have occasionally made an appearance. I always felt guilty doing this. I’m watching these people get skinnier and skinnier as the weeks go by, while I just sit here and gorge on Ben & Jerry’s. It just doesn’t make any sense!
But apparently this is an epidemic! These are just a few things people were saying on Twitter earlier this evening:
If you do a search for “Biggest Loser eating”, you’ll find hundreds of results like those above. I found over 40 pages’ worth, and that’s just from the past month! In a way, it’s comforting to know that I’m not the only one that does this, but it’s also somewhat disturbing, you know?
Right now all I have in my hand is a cup of blueberry-green tea (lots of antioxidants!), sweetened with a tiny bit of Splenda. Aren’t you proud of me?
Now it’s your turn – put the cookies down and have a piece of fruit instead!
The one from the guy eating a corndog with a milkshake chaser is classic. So funny. I don’t watch the show. I get upset when soemone gets booted off especially when the other contestants decide to gang up on one and conspire to get them off the show. Losing weight is a serious business. I worry that the person booted will lose hope and give up on losing weight. Most stay on track. Still this catty aspect of the show is not fun to watch for me. Instead I will stick to cattiness at Warp speed and watch Real Housewives!
Musings from Mes last blog post..Love Thursday: My Hat Collection