I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Party!
Welcome, party-goers! I know you have lots of blogs left to visit, so I’ll make this short.
I’m Mariana, and I’m a stay-at-home mom to two girls, 6 and 3 years old. I’ve been married for 10 years and live in the suburbs of Washington, DC, though I’m originally from Texas. This is my 3rd year participating in the Ultimate Blog Party, hosted by Janice and Susan of 5 Minutes for Mom.
In case you’ve never visited, let me tell you a little bit about what you’ll find here!
- Photos of my kids in almost every one of my posts… they’re the loves of my life.
- Recipes… I like to cook (usually).
- Personal anecdotes… sometimes funny, usually not. Or am I?
- Lots of product reviews… I love sharing my favorite finds.
- And I’m working on incorporating a little bit more of my Latina culture into my blog. I grew up in Texas and Mexico, and my native language is actually Spanish. Little known fact.
I know you have to go, but please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and subscribe to my feed! 🙂
If you don’t have a blog, you can still participate in the Ultimate Blog Party! You can post a link to your Facebook profile and/or Twitter link if you have one on one of the many linkies at 5M4M. There are tons of prizes to be won. Remember to follow @5minutesformom and watch hashtag #UBP11!
yes, I remember you from your former pre-rebranded blog 😉 Enjoy UBP!
Hi! I see you feature Reviews and/or Giveaways. I would like to invite you to add your blog to my â??Review and Giveaway Blog Directoryâ?? if you havenâ??t already . Hope youâ??re having a Sweet Week!
Review and Giveaway Blog Directory
A Mommyâ??s Sweet Blog Design
Stopping by from UPB11. Great to meet you!
There are so many fun blogs to visit! If you have time, I hope you’ll stop by:
You can enter to win a $25 Gift cert to my eBay store to spruce up your spring/summer wardrobe (details on post)
Have a great weekend!
Nice to meet you! I like the name of your blog! I have 2 kiddos, I’m a homeschooling mom, a pastors wife that wears a bikini to work because I’m a pro beach volleyball player that hates to workout LOL.. I also write a fitness blog, but I LOVE fried fatty foods. You can read more about us in my party post
Come by to visit!
I’m Here from the UBP11 adding you to my blog roll page.
Thanks for a great prize! Let’s swap buttons. My Ultimate
blog party post
barb g.
barb g´s last blog post ..Katz Gluten Free Bakery Has A New Food Treat POPPERS!
I have read your blog before, but am happy to find you again through the UBP! Your girls are adorable and I don’t blame you for putting them in all your post. I am guilty of that, too!
I just changed my blog name too! I am almost at that 3yr itch!
Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party 2011!
Hope you’ll visit my party: https://momandmore.com/2011/04/2011-ultimate-blog-party-welcome-to-mom-and-more.html
Hello from UBP! Have a great week!
Your girls are gorgeous & I love the look of your blog! I can’t wait to read a little more into it all & check out some of your recipes! I’m now your newest follower! Hope you are having fun at this year’s UBP 2011! I know I am!
Hey! I am visiting from the Ultimate Blog Party! Please head over to either or both of my blogs (and become a follower if you aren’t one already):
So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at https://sostylilized.blogspot.com
Jessicas Lil Corner is where I blog about family and life at https://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com
Have a very blessed week! :0)
Jessica´s last blog post ..Lyss and Livvy Has a New Design!
Hiya I’m stopping by from the UBP’11. Now following you and would love it if you stop by A Little of This and a Little of That and follow back. I hope you enjoy yourself at the UBP. Have a fab week.
Ellie´s last blog post ..The Ultimate Blog Party 2011
Hi, Mariana! (I used to live in a village called Mariana, heehee!) I’m here from the UBP; your blog’s name was intriguing, so here I am! I love the whole vibe here, and you have a beautiful family there.
I’m Martine, and I blog about similar things at Dainty Mom https://daintymom.blogspot.com. I want to add you to my Google Reader, and I hope you can return the follow by stopping by my blog, or Facebook page.
Looking forward to daily reads from you!
Martine´s last blog post ..For Kids- Make Believe Productions Summer Programs
Stopping by to say â??Hiâ?? from my 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blog Party 2011 link-up! What a great blog you have and I will be following! Stop by and say â??Hiâ?? back! I have blog parties on Tuesday and Wednesdayâ??s that may interest you. Tuesday is Tutorial & Thrifty Treasures Tuesday. Wednesday is Whatâ??s Cookinâ?? Wednesday. I am also looking for guest posts on home décor and crafts if you are interested.
Extreme Personal Measures
DENISE´s last blog post ..Whats Cookin Wednesday
Hi! I’m stopping by from the UBP. Nice to meet you!
I have two blogs, and I’d love for you to stop by when you get a minute. Thanks!
https://giveawaycorner.blogspot.com/ (A free giveaway every weekday)
https://anne-somekindofwonderful.blogspot.com/ (Family blog)
Hey! just stoppin by for the blog party. LOVE your blog and are proud to say we are your newest followers and {blog} friends. We’d love for you to come check out our new blog and be our newest follower and {blog} friend as well..much love
mitchandroz.blogspot.com (family blog)
It’s great to “meet” you! I just got back into blogging about a month ago I had done a bit of it here and there but never this much so this is my first UBP. Please stop by for a visit if you get a chance! https://www.flipflopmama.com/2011/03/ultimate-blog-party-2011.html
Hi! Love your blog! I’m new to blogging and to UBP. Please take a minute to stop by and visit my party! I will be giving away 1 lavender essential oil (to 1 lucky winner) when I hit 100 followers.
candice´s last blog post ..Ultimate Blog Party
Wow. I grew up in TX and also live in the suburbs of DC – not really the suburbs, about an hour west but my dh works in DC so I consider us suburbanites of DC. I’m talking too much aren’t I?
Anyhoo, nice to meet you! Your kids are adorable and I’ve enjoyed your blog!
Tracy´s last blog post ..Its Complicated