Simply put – my daughter loves this laptop. She can pick from 40 different games, but her favorite mode already is in the adventure mode where she can pick her favorite character (for her that is always KoKo). It takes her through a series of different activities and when she gets them correct she earns a badge. The other night, I was working on my laptop and she sat next to me with her laptop and let me know she had some work to do too. She even asked if she could have computer time before bedtime so she could play with her Chuggington laptop. I have to admit that I have played it a few times myself and it was really fun.
The VTech Chuggington Traintastic Laptop features 40 learning activities in 5 different modes: Letters, Numbers, Logic & Games, Exploration Mode, and Adventure and features all of your favorite Chuggington characters. She can turn the train to which mode she wants and then pick the activity on her own. It is very easy for her to navigate on her own which is great so she can truly play with the laptop by herself. I think the sound effects and the animation on the screen are good quality. I should also mention that it appears to be quite durable as my 4-year-old has already dropped it a few times. I think this is a laptop that will grow with her and she will enjoy playing for some time.
You can purchase the VTech Chuggington Traintastic Laptop at Toys “R” Us stores and online at for $29.99 on sale for $20.99, as well as on
WIN IT Giveaway closed!
Honk your horns! One reader of The Domestic Buzz will win a VTech Chuggington Traintastic Laptop! To enter to win, please leave a comment below telling me what you love most about Chuggington.
For extra entries:
- Subscribe by feed reader or email (or let me know if you already do). 1 entry
- Tweet about this giveaway one time using the Tweet button below, or copy this: #Giveaway! Win a traintastic Chuggington laptop at The Domestic Buzz! #TDB – 1 entry
- Like The Domestic Buzz on Facebook. 1 entry
- Comment on a recent blog post here at TDB and leave a comment below telling me you did so. No link is necessary; just the title or a quick description of the post is enough, as I can verify that you commented by looking up your email address. 1 entry
Contest ends Wednesday, September 21st, 2011. US entries only, one person per household. Leave a separate comment per entry and a valid email address. Winner, chosen at random, has 3 days to claim their prize.
Disclosure: I was provided with a complimentary VTech Chuggington Laptop in order to facilitate this review, but all opinions are my own (and my daughter’s!) Find more of our Chuggington content here.
What I love most about Chugginton, the eposide teach the kiddo’s about teamwork and trust.!
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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karenmed409 at comcast dot net
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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karenmed409 at comcast dot net
I enjoy how they teach my kids teamwork. They really relate to children.
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I like the catchy music and fun characters in chuggington
I like the catchy music and fun characters in chuggington
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I subscribe to your email under kellywcuATyahooDOTcom
@dave01568 tweeted
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Like you on Facebook as David Ferrandino.
Commented on the” chuggington party” post . Thank you
I love the sound effects and the animation in The VTech Chuggington Traintastic Laptop.
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Tweet 09/10!/ashleypatty08/status/112728561374347264
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I like that it teaches about working together by being part of a team.
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Ilove the fact that boys an girls both can enjoy this an they are sturdy an not easily broken
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My daughter loves Chuggington, and i love the lessons they teach!
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The characters are fun with great personalities and they genuinely care about each other.
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we love the songs.although my son loves anything and everything train related
nannypanpan at
I have to admit that I’ve never seen Chuggington, but that laptop sure looks like a fun toy!
email subscriber!
Chuggington (in a fun way) tries to instill values such as loyal friendship, telling the truth, listening carefully, completing tasks, resolving conflict without violence – values I think some parents seem to forget about in this day & age.
I’m an e-mail subscriber.
I like you on FB: Rita Melton
I love that it is durable and my daugter wll have it for a long time.
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I love the lessons that this show teaches and how it shows how to care about each other.
green_eyed_princesss at msn dot com
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It’s so cute and colorful & helps teach valuable lessons!/MONKEYMOM8105/status/115778394276368384
Like The Domestic Buzz on Facebook Lisa W.
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like domestic buzz on fb as Brandy Knight
bbrandy2002@ gmail. com
I commented on the Eating Heathy on Campus post about parents needing to be more proactive in their kids school lunches,
bbrandy2002@ gmail. com
I like chuggington because it teaches children life lessons, great and fun for kids.
bbrandy2002@ gmail. com
I love Chuggington because they are so educational and up to date with all the new technologies!
Liked you on Facebook and tweeted -username tatatammy
I love how much my son loves it!
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I like you on FB.. Becca Peters
I like the fun array of characters in Chuggington!
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Like The Domestic Buzz on Facebook / Roxanne Kennedy
My son loves trains and adores Chuggington!
I like that it is educational and fun. The characters are cute
I love the bright colors they come in
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I love Chuggington because they are so cute and the show is very educational and interesting!
i love chuggington because of the lessons it teaches and because we love anything with trains
I love the life lesson it teaches. It is one of those learning shows I lie letting the kids wathc.
I like the characters.
I like the lessons it teaches
It appeals more to my younger kids than the other train shows.
I love the lessons it teaches but I mostly love how happy my kids get when they watch it 🙂
I am an email subscriber
I also like you on facebook! Jen Harriman
I subscribe to your email and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this for my son! He loves how cute they are and so do I! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
That it entertains my children for hours if needed!
i love that all my kids can watch Chuggington together — cute characters!
It’s all those learning activities that I like. The bright colors so appealing to kids are pretty cool, too.
I love that it shows friendships and cooperation between the trains. My son loves watching it which is also great!
I subscribe via Google reader
I Tweeted-!/ksh123/status/116363837783019520
I like the characters and the exciting look he has on his face.
I love Chuggington because all of the characters are super charming and cute!
I like you on Facebook (Hyzennthlay C.)
how they interact with people and how they solve problems
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
like on facebook (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
We have actually never seen it in our house, we only get 3 local channels and its not on any of them 🙁 But I’m sure my son would love it, as he loves most train shows and how they talk to eachother.
liked the domestic buzz on facebok
we love chuggington because its more colorful and the stories are much greater than Thomas the Train! 😀
i like the domestic buzz on facebook!
I like that it is educational.
I like the characters and so does my daughter.
•Like The Domestic Buzz on Facebook. Tiffany Hearn
I love that it teaches my 4 year old different things.
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the cute talking trains
I like that it lets them earn badges
I love the fact that it’s one of Ian’s fave shows and makes him happy. He really relates to the characters.
Sub via Google Reader!/dddiva/status/116479186725634049
Like you on FB Sherry Conrad
The fact that it can keep the interest of my disabled nephews.
I love how easy it is to use. my nephew would love this!
I love that all the trains have different and distinct personalities, kids can find one or more to relate too.
I know a little boy that will just love this computer, GOD BLESS YA’LL FOR THIS GIVEAWAY
they are learning matrials and it could help my daughter she loves computer and she is also austic and has a sensory disorder
I like that it is a fun way to teach young children
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I like them because they teach kids whats right from wrong and they earn badges.
subscribed to rss feed!/goochin/status/116552886778990592
like on fb, i am an gooch
Love the learning capabilities of v-tech…..teaching at so many levels of age
sewingmema1720 at yahoo dot com
Like on FB – Tina S Rath
My son loves trains, I love that he is learning while having fun thanks for the chance to win
I like you on facebook (mrstinareynolds thanks for the chance to win
I subscribe to your blog
I like the fact Chuggington teaches so much (many modes) and it is for an early start, 4-6 years old.
•Subscribe by Google reader
I love that they not only are kept busy for a while, but are learning, and that the learning is FUN.
i love how easy to use this is!
What I love about Chuggington is that it teaches childern how to be kind and creative and what to do and not to do. ;-}
I like that it is education, teaching letters and numbers
that he keeps great interest !!! great characters
email subscriber thanks
Who doesn’t love trains?!
love the theme song – very catchy!
I love the characters and storylines. It’s so sweet. momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
We love that there are lessons to learn each day for the trains. SCHOOL!
I love that every story has a lesson in it.
I tweeted:!/washoekathy/status/116616620067127296
I like you on FB. (Kathleen Downes)
I love how much kids can learn from them !
Here is my tweet!/happyskunky/status/116620061946560512
I like The Domestic Buzz on Facebook
I love how easy it is to use and it teaches kids so much.
i love the big variety of characters
rss google feed subscriber kathypease(at)gmail(dot)com!/klp1965/status/116626769590755331
like you on facebook kathy l pease kathypease(at)gmail(dot)com
I love that my son loves Chuggington.
I love that the kids are buzy for hours with fun.
It has so many learning activities!
I like that kids can navigate it on their own!
I love how enraptured my 3 year old when it is on.
I subscribed to your RSS feed.
I tweeted –!/triplezmom/status/116632575610589184
I love that it doesn’t have a bunch of annoying songs that get stuck in your head all day!
I love that it is a little more rugged for kids so it doesn’t break
trippyjanet at gmail dot com
Chuggington has been a great show for my son. I love that the show is able to grab his attention and help to teach him lessons. I love that my son is able to earn his own trains while potty training. The trains have finally motivated my 3 year old to use his potty.
I liked you on facebook. (Rachel Runyan)
Subscribed via email.!/Mom2Jacob/status/116668254273024000
My son loves trains
durability, definitely!
I would love to win this. thanks
I love it because its one of the few kid’s shows that I can watch with my daughter that doesn’t make me insane.
don;t know if this went thru
I like the excitement and way they move and act!
spcale at yahoo dot com.!/dresdenrain/status/116684069105963008
spcale at yahoo dot com.
liked you on facebook earlier today
My Grand Son has a speech problem, he can say Chunnington
The thing I like best about Chuggington is that it makes my grandson happy.
Google reader subscriber.
What I love most about Chiggington is that the kids a so crazy about him! And that is okay with me, because Chuggington teaches great lessons in a calm way.
I subscribed and confirmed via email
I like that its kid proof. That my son can drop it and it will still work. I also like the 40 games(plenty of games for leaning minds and I LOVE the fact that it’s a train. My son adores trains.!!!
I love most about Chuggington that my kids like it and think it’s fun
My son loves trains
My son loves the noises on the show. I know it seems strange but he is always ascinated when it comes on, granted he is 2.
I tweeted tonight!/couponsiwant/status/116724072968232962
My son really likes trains and he would LOVE this. 40 games can definitely keep him busy which I LOVE!
sassysasha817 at gmail dot com
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i like you on facebook as Sasha L.
sassysasha817 at gmail dot com
Hit th ebutton too soon!
I was saying that i like that they teach instead of mindless chatter.
I love that my son loves it. It’s my laundry and dish time savior!
I love love to win this item just to see my sons eyes light up he is such a huge fan of thomas the train and chuggington.
Kiddo absolutely loves trains!