Been SO busy… but good busy. One of the fun things we did this past weekend was head over to Baltimore for
Archives for 2009
Me, According to My Daughter
I interviewed Maya about me yesterday. I saw this meme a few weeks back on a blog, but can’t for the life of me remember which one! I just copied it. Oops. Below are the questions, and her answers are in blue. I typed exactly what she said. It took a good half-hour (if not […]
Healthy Choice [new line & packaging]
Trying to eat healthy is such a struggle for me, especially when it comes to finding something convenient and easy to prepare! I often find myself buying frozen food for this same reason. Is what I’m eating healthy? Not always. But it’s nice to know I have options! Along with a new look to their […]
The National Cathedral
I’m bummed that we missed Flower Mart this weekend. It’s an annual festival that takes place every spring on the grounds of the National Cathedral. The Cathedral is definitely a must-see when you’re in DC. It’s the 6th largest neogothic cathedral in the world, the 2nd largest in the U.S., and the 4th tallest structure […]
Toddlers always seem to walk with a purpose. In this case, she was trying to get to the pool, and I was in her way. So she simply turned around and went the other way, but not without covering her tush first. She’s a little lady, after all!
Time to play… outdoors!
Spring is here and that means spending lots of time outdoors! If you’re looking for ideas of what to do outside with your kids during the warm weather months, Time To Play ( has tons of great toy suggestions for every budget, from chalk and bubbles to ride on toys and water slides! We got […]