My nine year old son, an avid Lego guy, is in a rut. We are drowning in Legos and he’s looking for some new building inspiration. So, I am very excited that this Christmas he will be finding Hasbro’s Kre-O Transformers under the tree. It’s a new twist on an old favorite which I know […]
The Chuck and Friends line [review]
Kids have loved playing with trucks since, well, the invention of the toy truck. And what’s not to love? They’re big, they roll, and they can haul really cool things like dirt, rocks, and bugs. Make a lovable dump truck, throw in a few fun-loving, vehicular friends, and you’ve got the Chuck and Friends line […]
The Adventure of Wormee the Worm
The Adventure of Wormee the Worm by Ricky Mickiewicz Sometimes less is more. An illustrated book with very little text can engage the reader to use his/her imagination to create and tell a story all their own. But Wormee the Worm misses the mark here. It’s a rather straightforward tale of how a worm ends […]
Where Does Mommy Go? [book review]
Where Does Mommy Go? by Shelley Hallier; illustrated by Richele Collins I recently had our second child and was able to stay home for an extended maternity leave. I cherished every moment, but it was just as hard to go back to work (maybe even more the second time). The constant pulling of emotions and guilt […]
Country Dance 2 for Wii [review]
Country Dance 2 is a Yee Haw of a good time! A sequel to the Country Dance game that was released earlier this spring, it is just as fun as the original, but features new, chart-topping songs by popular country artists, including Carrie Underwood, George Straight, Jason Aldean and Easton Corbin. Country Dance 2 also […]
Fischer & Wieser sauces [review]
Do you love mangoes, ginger, chili peppers, and raspberries as much as I do? Each on their own, these are some of my favorite foods and flavors. The Mango Ginger Habanero Sauce and Roasted Raspberry Chipotle Sauce recipes by Fischer & Wieser are full of natural ingredients and attractively packaged but, unfortunately, they fell short […]