How do my kids start their day? With a big breakfast. While our mornings are sometimes a little rushed, I always make it a point to sit down with the girls to eat at the table. As much as they’d like to watch cartoons, the TV stays off! We talk about what we’re doing that […]
Top Films to Watch This Easter
It’s Spring Break here, but we’re home all week, so I’ve been stocking up on DVDs to entertain the kids. I can only do so many crafts and I’ve played Barbies so much I literally dream about them! Anyway, We Bought a Zoo was just released on DVD & Blu-ray. Starring Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson, […]
52 Ways to Wow Your Husband
That headline piqued your interest, didn’t it? I saw this book at the checkout at my grocery store and it annoys me a little. Where’s “52 Ways to Wow Your Wife”? This concept reminds me of an old article from the 1950’s – The Good Wife’s Guide. While it’s widely rumored to be a hoax, […]
Ragú Asks: Mealtime Battles
Considering how often I write about food, it’s obvious that it’s important to us! I pride myself on feeding my family well and introducing them to new things on a daily basis. It’s not always easy to get my kids on board, however. If it were up to Maya, my 7-year-old, we’d eat white rice […]
Time-saving chicken recipe from Hellmann’s
As much as I try to plan our menus and do some of the prep work early in the day, time escapes me and I often find myself at 6pm completely clueless as to what to make for dinner. Does this ever happen to you? Whatever I make needs to be fast (my kids are stahhhhving, […]
Romance 365 – Dr. Oetker pizza
It hasn’t even been four weeks since Valentine’s Day, yet it feels like a lifetime ago. I don’t recall what my husband and I did that day, honestly. Nothing memorable. It was just like any other day. We don’t need to do something special on February 14th, as we try to keep the romance alive […]