Teething and a bad cold equaled baby being miserable for about the last 10 days or so:
I finally have my happy girl back, though!
Her daddy even took her to get a haircut just like her big sis.
Speaking of Maya, I don’t think I posted photos of her new ‘look’! The last few times I took her to get her haircut were a little traumatic (imagine me chasing her around the salon, while she screamed hysterically, followed by her sitting in my lap sobbing while the stylist trimmed her bangs nervousily) so this time I let her daddy take her all by himself. I gave her the $4 in ExtraBucks I had in my purse and told her that she could go next door to CVS with her dad when she was done, if she behaved.
She came home with a huge bag of Cheetos and an even BIGGER smile on her face. Her first words to me – “Mommy, I didn’t cry because it didn’t even HURT!” Yeah, haircuts aren’t supposed to hurt, but it took her 4 years to realize this. 😉 What first came to mind when I saw her was Lisa Garza from last year’s Food Network Star.

Hubby thinks she looks a little more like Amelie.
I never saw that movie, but I see the similarities.
Anyway we see it, she’s nothing but cute! 😉
I’m looking forward to watching the Oscars later today, eating some good food, and catching up on blogging. What are you up to on this beautiful Sunday?
I see more similarities in the first two pics, but it could be the purple dress. 🙂
Tara @ Feels like homes last blog post..Grace’s Kitchen Friends – Healthy Potato Chips
Isn’t it funny how it’s the exact same shade of purple?! I didn’t even plan it that way!
Oh how cute! Love the haircut – and her outfit even matches Lisa Garza! Glad it wasn’t traumatic this time. 🙂 I’m also glad everyone is happy and healthy again too – I’ve been fighting never-ending winter colds (and crankiness) myself. I’m looking forward to things going back to normal.
Super cute blog name and graphic. I created a company in memory of my 28 year old sister, Liz, who died from breast cancer. Uptown Liz (www.uptownliz.com) promotes products from companies whose proceeds go to charity. You can shop on this one-of-a-kind Web site by charitable cause or product category, knowing that every time you make a purchase you are making a difference. There are many great art, clothing, jewelry, house wares, beauty and eco-friendly products (just to name a few) that benefit charities all over the world.
hahah yeees i see similarities!! SOOOOO CUTE
i love their haircuts! they look like little french girls…. i miss them so much
Glad that you are back and that the kids are fine now.
Nice haircuts for both; they look more french now so no wonder about “Amelie” 🙂
Hichams last blog post..Under the Sun
We have that same orange and white romper, in a smaller size. I just pulled it out of storage for the baby. Cute haircut!
The Happy Housewifes last blog post..OxiClean