I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central for Seventh Generation. I received a promotional item and product samples as a thank you for participating. Did you know that more than 80,000 chemicals available right now in the U.S. have never been fully tested for their toxic effects on our health and environment? That’s […]
Green Living
America Recycles… do you?
America Recycles Day was yesterday… but I think that should be every day, don’t you? If each and every one of us take baby steps in reducing, reusing, and recycling, it could make a huge difference. Just visualize this: the U.S. disposes enough trash each day to fill 50,000 garbage trucks with 18,000 pounds of […]
The Art of Composting
Earth Day was a week ago, but the words from one commercial I heard that day still echo in my head. We need to keep changing, no matter what day it is, because change can keep this world beautiful. I have made some changes. We use reusable bags and bottles. EnergyStar-certified light bulbs. We’ve turned […]
KidsCraft Shuttle Imagination
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blast off!!!! That’s the first thing my daughters called out when they stepped into their Shuttle Imagination for the first time. They truly are having a blast in this unique playhouse. The Shuttle Imagination, by KidsCraft, is one of two eco-friendly playhouses that the company […]
Seventh Generation disinfectants
Spring cleaning season is upon us! This year while you’re freshening up your home and sorting through the clutter, why not toss the toxic cleaning supplies, too? Replacing what’s currently under your sink with products that are non-toxic and safe for the environment is easier than ever with Seventh Generation’s environmentally friendly cleaning products. Leading […]
Dishwasher detergent bubble solution
I’ve been a bad, bad blogger. Instead of posting fun reviews and giveaways for my readers, I’ve been spending my days enjoying the sunshine outside with my girls, and spending my evenings watching lots and lots of TV. But all my favorite shows are over for the season, as is my nanny gig, so I’ll […]