Ever since Super Why! premiered back in the Fall of 2007, my 4-year old and I (and now the toddler, too!) have been huge fans. We’ve waited patiently for Super Why! merchandise to be introduced, and after months of anticipation, I’m happy to say that the wait is OVER! Developed by Learning Curve and directly […]
Family portrait?
Almost forgot it’s Wednesday! Here’s my attempt at taking a photo of myself and the girls. As you can see it didn’t work out so well…
Yes, more flowers
I looked out my window this morning and saw this: And I was devastated. Okay, maybe “devastated” is exaggerating a bit, but I was disappointed. I look forward to this rosebush blooming all year. It always happens right around my birthday… end of May/beginning of June. For a week, sometimes more, I get the pleasure […]
SeaWorld/Busch Gardens Adventure Camps
I fondly remember my mom taking me to SeaWorld San Antonio when I was a little girl. I’d hang out for what seemed like hours at the Dolphin Cove, feeding and petting the dolphins. Since I’m thousands of miles away now, I don’t get to visit as much as I’d like, but did have the […]
Under the table
Been SO busy… but good busy. One of the fun things we did this past weekend was head over to Baltimore for
Me, According to My Daughter
I interviewed Maya about me yesterday. I saw this meme a few weeks back on a blog, but can’t for the life of me remember which one! I just copied it. Oops. Below are the questions, and her answers are in blue. I typed exactly what she said. It took a good half-hour (if not […]