I usually don’t discuss my husband much here, but he never rarely reads my blog so… whatever. Other than a cordial “excuse me” or “pass me a fork,” we’ve been giving each other the silent treatment for over 24 hours now. He told me on Friday that he’s hiring a lady to come “help me […]
Archives for 2009
Dudley’s Solo – a Children’s Band book
Considered legally blind until middle school, author Tiffany Alexander knows well what it feels like to be different. She took those experiences from her childhood and shaped them into a series of wonderful books, the first of which is “Dudley’s Solo.” The first book in the Children’s Band series, “Dudley’s Solo” takes place at a […]
Family Time (music freebie!)
Maybe I’m selfish, or just want to maintain a little bit of the sanity I have left, but I love finding music for my girls that I enjoy listening to as well. I’ve heard a few tracks from Ziggy Marley’s new children’s album, Family Time, and this is that kind of album. The songs are […]
I never thought I’d enjoy doing laundry!
I’ve been sitting on a little secret for around 10 days now… but am thrilled that I finally get to announce it! I’m a Frigidaire Test Drive Mom! You’re probably thinking, “Um… okay, what does that mean??” This month Frigidaire is rolling out a new collection of more than 250 kitchen and laundry appliances, just […]
Speak Now For Kids
We all know that health care reform in this country is inevitable and very much needed! It has been alluded to by government for decades, and the current administration is moving quickly to bring about change. But will that change benefit our children? Speak Now for Kids is a non-partisan campaign aimed at ensuring that […]
Calypso Studios – green accessories
Going green has never been easier, with all the great products available nowadays! For the last week I’ve been carrying around a reusable tote made by Calypso Studios. It’s called a S.H.O.P Tote (Start Helping Our Planet) and I LOVE it. S.H.O.P. Totes hold up to 20 pounds, perfect for lugging groceries home, but my […]