My little brother just turned 16 and is always bugging my mom for money. She’s afraid to give him a weekly allowance because she thinks he’ll spend it all in one day, so she ends up giving him money only when he “needs” it – to go to the movies, buy new shoes, etc. He […]
Archives for 2009
First Juice – beverages for kids
My girls aren’t big juice drinkers. I don’t usually keep much on hand, so they don’t even ask for it. At home that is. When we go out to eat or to someone’s house for a playdate – all bets are off. Those tiny 4oz juice boxes are prevalent at every kid-friendly get-together! I don’t […]
Snow Schmo
These photos were taken early last week. Maya’s fascinated by icicles. She goes around looking for them hanging off the edge of the roof or the bumpers of cars. She’s also a little obsessed with throwing snowballs, which was okay until I became the target. So I made a new rule that she can only […]
Learn a new language with Rosetta Stone
It’s obvious how it important it is to know more than one language. The problem lies in actually learning it. Unless you’re in school, you usually have to rely on learning it on your own. Unlike books and tapes, in which you can only interact in one way, Rosetta Stone Language Learning Software gives you […]
I love how little ones are amused by the simplest of things…
Farm Rich Appetizer Company
Farm Rich is the maker of the #1 selling cheese stick in America, but that’s not all they’re good at – they also make delicious quesadillas, meatballs, stuffed mushrooms, panini, and more. I’ve tried several of the different Farm Rich appetizers, and am very happy with what I’ve tasted so far! All Farm Rich products […]