My little sister, Monica, is one of my favorite people in the whole world. We talk every day. About everything. She’s my person… my best friend, my biggest supporter, an awesome aunt to my daughters, and now a contributor to my blog, too. Monica’s a 5th grade teacher, a new mom, and just moved halfway […]
Happy New Year!
Yes, I know… it’s February 1st. But I need a do-over. January kind of sucked. I started February on the right foot, though. I woke up this morning and drank a big glass of water before I even got out of bed. I wrote down everything I ate today, and I actually took a walk, […]
Protecting your children from RSV
This is part of a sponsored collaboration with AstraZeneca and DiMe Media. However, all opinions expressed are my own. While my little girls aren’t so little anymore, they’ll always be my babies! My sister actually just had a baby in October, so I’ve had baby on the brain. My niece, picture below… she’s just the […]
When a photo means #SoMuchMore – Johnson’s and the Save the Children
I’m sharing this information with you as part of a compensated campaign in collaboration with JOHNSON’S® and Latina Bloggers Connect. It’s incredible to think that every day in this country, millions of babies may miss out on opportunities that are critical to growth and development due to poverty, poor health/nutrition, lack of stimulation, and a […]
Holiday photo cards from Shutterfly – now in Spanish! [with a giveaway]
This is part of a sponsored campaign with Shutterfly and DiMe Media, however, all opinions expressed are my own. This may be the first year that my holiday cards go out early! Before Thanksgiving, even. One more thing I can check off my to-do list. I’m so happy with how they came out, and really […]
Thankful that we’re Doin’ Good
DISCLAIMER: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Minute Maid and DiMe Media, but all opinions are my own. It’s crazy to think that the holidays are almost upon us! It feels like just yesterday that we were doing our back-to-school shopping, and now my girls are already making their Christmas wish lists. This year has flown by, but I’m grateful that we have a holiday like Thanksgiving coming up, which encourages us […]