Yes, that’s my 4-year old actually reading a book to her little sister. No, she’s not a genius – she just has the book memorized… Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.
Snow Schmo
These photos were taken early last week. Maya’s fascinated by icicles. She goes around looking for them hanging off the edge of the roof or the bumpers of cars. She’s also a little obsessed with throwing snowballs, which was okay until I became the target. So I made a new rule that she can only […]
GoPicnic – yummy, healthy, convenient!
I’m not ashamed to admit that I buy a lot of convenience foods. The time involved in preparing food is a big factor – there just aren’t enough hours in the day for me to make 3 meals from scratch and still have time for everything else that I have to do! I also like […]
ColorMe Company colors the world a little brighter
I love reviewing children’s products, especially ones that allow my 4-year old to express her creativity. We received a pillowcase from ColorMe Company a while back and have had so much fun with it! ColorMe Company sells cards, t-shirts, pillowcases, and other great products that children can personalize to create unique, meaningful keepsakes for themselves, […]
Sleeping Angel
The only time of day when she truly is wordless is when she’s asleep! The pillow is from ColorMe Company. Get your Wordless Wednesday fix at:
LittleMissMatched is Lots of Fun
My 4-year old, Maya, got the cutest tee from a company called LittleMissMatched! I had never heard of the company before, but the designs seemed vaguely familiar, so I’m thinking maybe I saw some of their products in a store. The tee fits her to a T, not just in size, but personality as well! […]