The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy gift card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. Do you have an ENERGY STAR certified washer and dryer? If not, it’s definitely something you should consider, and not only because it’s Earth Day! Energy and water efficient appliances […]
Recycling and upcycling bathroom products – make a DIY sewing kit!
I’ve always considered myself good at recycling. Most weeks there’s twice as much in our recycling bin as there is in our garbage can! But I’ve realized that most of this comes from the kitchen. I took a couple of minutes to gather just some of the products we currently have in our bathroom right […]
Protecting your children from RSV
This is part of a sponsored collaboration with AstraZeneca and DiMe Media. However, all opinions expressed are my own. While my little girls aren’t so little anymore, they’ll always be my babies! My sister actually just had a baby in October, so I’ve had baby on the brain. My niece, picture below… she’s just the […]
My Feel Better Formula
The Robitussin® products and information have been provided by Pfizer, but all opinions are my own. A tickle in my throat. An awful headache. Zero energy. These are usually the first signs that I’m coming down with something like a cough, cold, or the flu. While I’d love to pretend I’m not sick and hope […]
New study shows Americans prefer food to holiday presents (I know I do!)
Del Monte provided me with a gift as a thank you for sharing this information with you. It’s my favorite (and most delicious) time of the year! Preparing holiday meals is an extremely important tradition in my family – it has been for as long as I can remember! The mouthwatering casseroles my grandma would […]
10 Must Have Items Before Your Holiday Guests Arrive
The holiday season is such a busy time, especially for moms, as preparing our homes for kids on winter break and out-of-town guests lies almost solely in our hands. There are so many things on my to do list this week that my head is spinning! These are some of the must-have items that I’m […]