Maura has been feeding herself for a while now, but does tend to get frustrated when using a spoon or a fork. The food she manages to pick up will fall off her spoon before she gets it to her mouth, or sometimes she’ll miss her mouth altogether, which leads to her throwing the spoon […]
Dawn PLUS Hand Renewal
I’ve been using this product for a month now, so I thought it was about time to review it! Dawn dishwashing liquid has been a trusted brand in my home for as long as I can remember washing dishes, and my mom started me young. Nowadays I have a dishwasher to do most of the […]
Current by Discover Card
My little brother just turned 16 and is always bugging my mom for money. She’s afraid to give him a weekly allowance because she thinks he’ll spend it all in one day, so she ends up giving him money only when he “needs” it – to go to the movies, buy new shoes, etc. He […]
First Juice – beverages for kids
My girls aren’t big juice drinkers. I don’t usually keep much on hand, so they don’t even ask for it. At home that is. When we go out to eat or to someone’s house for a playdate – all bets are off. Those tiny 4oz juice boxes are prevalent at every kid-friendly get-together! I don’t […]
Farm Rich Appetizer Company
Farm Rich is the maker of the #1 selling cheese stick in America, but that’s not all they’re good at – they also make delicious quesadillas, meatballs, stuffed mushrooms, panini, and more. I’ve tried several of the different Farm Rich appetizers, and am very happy with what I’ve tasted so far! All Farm Rich products […]
GoPicnic – yummy, healthy, convenient!
I’m not ashamed to admit that I buy a lot of convenience foods. The time involved in preparing food is a big factor – there just aren’t enough hours in the day for me to make 3 meals from scratch and still have time for everything else that I have to do! I also like […]