I may be the only one, but I have to admit I don’t like bath-time. At all. It’s a lot of work! I’m talking about giving my girls baths, if that’s not clear. There’s tons of splashing and fighting over toys, and if they use bath crayons or paint, it’s SO messy! The last thing […]
Archives for 2009
Yo-Plus yogurt’s new flavor
Yo-Plus is a staple on my weekly shopping list. At 4 ounces per serving, I like that it’s a smaller cup than most individual yogurts available. It’s just enough that my girls can eat a whole cup and not waste any. More importantly, it’s nutritious! My kids aren’t drinking milk as much anymore, so I […]
Quick, somebody cheer me up!
We’re in dire financial straits. More so than we’ve ever been. I guess it’s getting to the point where it’s taking it’s toll, because I’ve been really down lately. I can’t fall asleep at night, but still have to wake up early, so the lack of sleep probably isn’t helping. My house is unkempt, and […]
Want healthy cereal? Look for the Big G
One of my favorite cereals when I was a little was Lucky Charms. Now, more than 20 years later, I still love it. There’s a reason it’s still around – it’s magically delicious, remember?! I guess you can call it one of my not-so-guilty pleasures! The great thing is that these days I have someone […]
TerraCycle review and giveaway
I first heard of TerraCycle about a year ago or so, when I opened an issue of Newsweek to see an offer from Target for a free Retote in exchange for mailing in plastic Target shopping bags to TerraCycle. I happened to have several plastic Target bags in my cabinet, so I stuffed them in […]
We’re back – healthy and happy!
Teething and a bad cold equaled baby being miserable for about the last 10 days or so: I finally have my happy girl back, though! Her daddy even took her to get a haircut just like her big sis. Speaking of Maya, I don’t think I posted photos of her new ‘look’! The last few […]